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The Hand of Fu-Manchu

Sax Rohmer
 (1883 - 1959)

Further adventures of Nayland Smith and Doctor Petrie as they continue their battles against the evil genius, Dr Fu-Manchu.

Read by Lainey Ben

Running Time:6:32:14 in 6 Audio CDs

1 01-The Traveller from Tibet - 08:41
2 02-The Man with the Limp - 06:06
3 03-Sakya Muni - 15:56
4 04-The Flower of Silence - 14:19
5 05-John Kis - 06:41
6 06-The Si-Fan Move - 05:31
7 07-Chinatown - 12:47
8 08-Zarmi of the Joy-Shop - 14:59
9 09-Fu-Manchu - 04:46
10 10-The Tulun-Nur Chest - 07:28
11 11-In the Fog - 07:15
12 12-The Visitant - 09:13
13 13-The Room Below - 08:04
14 14-The Golden Pomegranates - 05:10
15 15-Zarmi Reappears - 13:45
16 16-Zarmi Reappears - 06:57
17 17-I Meet Dr Fu-Manchu - 09:23
18 18-Queen of Hearts - 10:23
19 19-Zagazig - 08:17
20 20-The Note on the Door - 11:04
21 21-The Second Message - 07:52
22 22-The Secret of the Wharf - 10:56
23 23-Arrest of Samarkan - 10:15
24 24-Cafe de lEgypte - 08:36
25 25-House of Hashish - 04:41
26 26-The Demons Self - 12:34
27 27-Room with the Golden Door - 13:44
28 28-The Mandarin Ki-Ming - 09:43
29 29-Lama Sorcery - 12:13
30 30-Medusa - 09:15
31 31-The Marmoset - 10:14
32 32-Shrine of the Seven Lamps - 11:47
33 33-The Anit-Climax - 06:41
34 34-Graywater Park - 11:21
35 35-The East Tower - 11:28
36 36-The Dungeon - 16:16
37 37-Three Nights Later - 09:51
38 38-The Monk's Plan - 07:30
39 39-The Shadow Army - 12:40
40 40-The Black Chapel - 08:07

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