✅ This is 3D printed (PLA plastic) that can be printed in many colors. You will love this 3d printed astronaut.  It is another version of our regualr astronaut just a skeleton on the inside. In additon to thd skeleton inside the helmet is cracked and the feet is showing on one leg.  This astronaut is flexible. The visor of the astronaut is movable it goes up and down. Every child will love this astronaut. The details on the astronaut is phenomenal.  He can sit on his own and with a little work he can stand on his own.

He is so fun to play with.  If you have any questions, please contact us.

✅For Ebay we will print in silky rainbow.

✅ Authorized reseller for flexi factory.

****Silky rainbow changes colors every 5-10 meters. If you have any questions, please send a message.****