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''Tell It All'': The Story of a Life's Experience in Mormonism

Fanny Stenhouse 
(1829 - 1904)

About the Author:
Fanny Warn Stenhouse (12 April 1829 – 19 April 1904) was an early Mormon pioneer who defected from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and was most famous for publishing "Exposé of Polygamy in Utah: A Lady’s Life among the Mormons", a record of personal experience as one of the wives of a Mormon elder during a period of more than twenty years in 1872.

About the Audiobook:

''Tell It All'': The Story of a Life's Experience in Mormonism

Fanny relates the experiences of a 19th century missionary as she and her young husband proselytize throughout Europe in search of converts to the new Mormon faith. Her religious zeal is sorely tested upon receipt of news from America revealing that their religion has adopted the practice of polygamy as the means to exaltation. The couple is summoned to Utah only to find themselves firmly ensconced in Brigham Young's inner circle and called upon to practice plural marriage or risk a fall from family, friends, and faith.

Read by Danielle Cartwright

Running Time:22:55:11 in 22 Audio CDs

Section --- Chapter --- Runtime
1 00 - Prefaces - 19:21
2 01 - My Early Life - 18:14
3 02 - My First Introduction to Mormonism - 25:37
4 03 - The Labor of My Life Begun - 27:22
5 04 - Life Among the Saints - 23:10
6 05 - Mormon Wonders-Anointings and Miracles - 36:35
7 06 - The First Whisperings of Polygamy - 24:03
8 07 - My Husband's Mission: I am Left Alone - 42:20
9 08 - Our Mission in Switzerland---Mutterings of the Coming Storm - 31:26
10 09 - The Revelation on ''Celestial Marriage'' - 25:20
11 10 - Missionary Work: Teaching Polygamy - 34:04
12 11 - Mormonism in England: Preparing to Emigrate - 30:41
13 12 - Emigration to Zion: We Arrive in New York - 29:00
14 13 - Life in New York: Conducting a Mormon Paper - 21:13
15 14 - Saintly Pilgrims on the Way: The ''Divine'' Handcart Scheme - 33:16
16 15 - A Terrible Story: The Handcart Emigrants Crossing the Plains - 24:52
17 16 - Mary Burton's Story Continued: Terrible Ending of the Hardcart Scheme - 38:32
18 17 - We Forsake All and Set Out for Zion: Our Journey Across the Plains - 21:09
19 18 - My First Impressions of the City of the Saints - 37:39
20 19 - Brigham Young at Home: We Visit the Prophet and His Wives - 29:23
21 20 - The Wives of Brigham Young: Their History and Their Daily Life - 45:18
22 21 - The Origin of the Reformation: Extraordinary Doings of the Saints - 37:06
23 22 - The Reign of Terror in Utah: The Reformation of the Saints - 36:55
24 23 - The Mountain Meadows Massacre--I Will Repay Saith the Lord - 33:36
25 24 - Ways and Works of the Saints--The Prophet's Millinery Bill - 29:27
26 25 - Mysteries of the Endowment House: Fearful Oaths and Secret Ceremonies - 44:14
27 26 - Secrets of Saintly Spouses--A Visit from my Talkative Friend - 18:16
28 27 - Social Life in Salt Lake City: Ballrooms, Wallflowers, and Divorce - 35:54
29 28 - What Women Suffer in Polygamy: The Story of Mary Burton - 29:28
30 29 - How Marriages are Made in Utah: A New Wife Found for My Husband - 30:06
31 30 - Taking a Second Wife: The Experience of the First - 31:33
32 31 - Trials--The Second Wife Chosen--Shadows of Life - 32:43
33 32 - Marriage for the Dead--Entering into Polygamy--The New Wife - 26:02
34 33 - Domestic Arrangements Among the Saints--Polygamy from a Woman's Standpoint - 37:01
35 34 - Lights and Shadows of Polygamy--Marriage and Baptism for the Dead - 41:43
36 35 - Festivities and Social Gatherings of the Saints--The Prophet's Whiskey Shop and Dry Goods Store - 25:40
37 36 - My Daughter Becomes the Fourth Wife of Brigham Young's Son--The Second Endowments - 26:36
38 37 - Realities of Polygamic Life--Orson Pratt: The Story of his Young English Wife - 32:55
39 38 - ''Our'' Husband's Fiancee--A Second Wife's Sorrows--Steps Towards Apostasy - 32:48
40 39 - Some Curious Courtships---Brigham Ruins Our Fortunes - 26:18
41 40 - Mary Burton--Life's Journey Ended: Rest at Last - 32:03
42 41 - My Husband Disfellowshipped--We Apostatise--Brutal Outrage - 20:34
43 42 - Amusing Troubles of my Talkative Friend--Charlotte with the Golden Hair! - 29:16
44 43 - After We Left the Church--Facts and Figures--The Mormonism of Today - 51:19
45 44 - L'Envol - 15:00

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  • Our Audiobooks are always read by real people, never by computers.
  • Please Note: These recorded readings are from the author's original works which are in the public domain. All recordings and artwork are in the public domain and there are no infringements or copyrights. Each track starts with "This is a LibriVox recording...."
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