Here is an amazing CD collection of not only Judge Rutherford records but also lectures by Grant Suiter and M.A. Howlett as well as an unknown speaker with a heavy Eastern European accent and the Watchtower Male Quartet singing "Take Sides With Jehovah" [a song still sung by Jehovah's Witnesses even today]. The list can be seen in the photo.[Here is what is included : MQ-5, A-136, XP-27331, P-53,54,204,7,8,150,151,152,247,248,3,4,6 and P-79-A.]. The roughly 80 min recordings are on CD which can be played on ANY CD player including your computer. The recordings [a photo of many of the original records i recorded from are shown in second photo] are a variety of very rare and unusual recordings including 8 speeches by Judge Rutherford, 4 speeches by Grant Suiter, one by M.A.Howlett and most of an interesting speech entitled "Religion Statement" by Bro. Max Freschel nicknamed 'Brother Friend', who fled to the United States from Germany to escape the nazi persecution shortly before ww2 outlining the mob violence against Jehovah's Witnesses with applause and a loud "AYE" at the end of the resolution statement. This CD makes for a very interesting item to any Watchtower Historical Archival Collection. [These recordings were reproduced from the ORIGINAL records as shown in the photo and not from copies to ensure the best possible quality considering most are from the 1930"s and of course have the usual scratchy sound that those records have.]

All sales support my wife Lisa who is suffering from stage 4 Uterine Leiomyosarcoma which has spread to her lungs. It is an extremely aggressive and rare form of cancer. She also had lung damage from chemo that was shrinking the cancer but now cannot continue with that treatment. We long for the Bible’s promise that all suffering will end, and we will be able to live forever in paradise on earth in perfect health. Rev. 21:1-4. 

To All Collectors of Watchtower Publications:

        Welcome to our bookstore / museum: WTArchive, a source of Watchtower memorabilia, historical Bibles, books, and research.

   Since the "Proclaimers" book came out in 1993 the desire to have a personal library or museum of Watchtower items has grown.

   We offer here on eBay hundreds of historical Bibles, both original and as facsimiles, such as the Gutenberg Bible, Tyndale and about 250 others. We also offer many original Bible leafs that are hundreds of years old. We offer museum replicas and facsimiles of Biblical artifacts and many other things of interest to Jehovah's Witnesses and others interested in Biblical historical artifacts such as items related to the Divine Name "Jehovah" going back thousands of years. We also have many of the books quoted in publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses and hundreds of photos and reproductions of memorabilia from the 19th to early 20th Centuries such as the Photo-Drama of Creation. We have items such as the Dead Sea Scrolls and other replica artifacts from Bible times. Many people are interested in copying to the best of their ability the Bethel Library including the thousands of books referred to and quoted from in the many publications of Jehovah’s Witnesses for research. We have books dealing with the following topics:

Hundreds of Bible Translations,

Biblical Reference Books,

Early Christianity,



Pagan Origins,


Jehovah's Witnesses,


Books related to prophecy about 1914,

Books by or about Jehovah's Witnesses,

Blood transfusion alternatives,

and many other subjects.

If you are one of Jehovah's Witnesses, I encourage you to donate theocratic historical items if you can and if you are not a Witness, then I encourage you to continue to search God's Word the Bible and related publications to guide and aid you in your search for Jehovah God your Creator.

   According to our Scriptural conscience and Biblical principle to receive free and give free no recent or new publications are ever sold here on eBay which can be obtained for free at a Kingdom Hall.

"This means everlasting life their coming to know you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ" John 17:3

"And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come" Matt. 24:14. {New World Translation 2013 Edition}.