Nitradine Tablets (20 Pack)

Nitradine is the universal choice for cleaning and safely disinfecting all types of removable dental appliances including dentures, orthodontic retainers and biteguards. Nitradine comes in tablet form making it simple to use.

 Recommended for all types of removable dental appliances in denture & orthodontic treatments :

 Dentures : Acrylic, Metal Chrome & Flexible Dentures

Orthodontic Applicances : Clear & Wired Retainers

Biteguard Splints & Bruxism Appliances

Gumshields & Mouthguards

Directions for Use

Before using Nitradine®, brush, cleanse and rinse the dental appliance as usual.

Immerse it in lukewarm water (approx.150ml) either in a Dental Bath or Sonic Denture Cleaner.

Add one tablet to the water.

Make sure the appliance is fully covered with water. For regular cleaning a 15 minute soak will be fine. To ensure that it’s free of all viruses, soak the appliance for 1 hour in the solution.

Remove the denture from the solution and rinse well under water before replacing the denture in the mouth. If a taste should remain after replacing it in your mouth, place the denture in lukewarm water for 10 more minutes.