With our Radon-Meter TMT-RD-35 you can determine the concentration of radon in your house. As radon concentrations vary greatly, the device has the possibility of short-term and long-term measurements. The short-term measurement can be set from 1 to 7 days and the measured value is updated every 30 minutes. The average values for the last 365 days are displayed in long-term mode. This value is updated every 24 hours. Dangerous high concentrations are indicated by an optical warning. These measurements help to detect dangers arising from too high radon concentrations and to avoid them by taking suitable countermeasures.



Radon is considered besides smoking to be one of the most common cause of lung cancer. Radon is a radioactive pollutant that occurs as a natural gas and escapes from soils and building materials. Via the cellar walls and basement, radon penetrates into the interior of houses, where it can accumulate considerably due to poor ventilation. The gas is invisible, it does not smell and taste and penetrates the house in the basement without any warning. The average radon concentration in Europe is about 50 Bq/m³. 100 Bq/m³ should not be exceeded in the annual average.



Often simple measures such as daily airing or permanent ventilation with open windows on the windward side are enough. In the house an overpressure means, no further radon is "sucked" from the soil and existing Radon is "blown out" from the house. It should also be kept in mind that any generation of negative pressure in the house is to be avoided, e.g. Ventilators for ventilation in the kitchen or bathroom or a lack of ventilation in the heating system. All this leads to a vacuum in the house and subsequently to the aspiration of radon from the ground. If these simple measures can not lead to success, structural measures such as sealing cracks in the cellar, ventilation of outside air into the cellar, etc. can be taken. In the fewest cases, complex restoration measures such as concreting, foil sealing, drainage, etc. are necessary. However, the basic prerequisite is always a reliable determination of the measured value with our Radonmessgerät TMT-RD-35.

Radon measurements can be used as a short-term measurement to measure a room in which you stay most of the time like living, sleeping and children's rooms (at least 5-7 days). However, the most representative are long-term measurements in the cellar over the entire year because Radon penetrates the cellar and only in a long-term measurement the strong seasonal fluctuations can be recorded. The longer a measurement is carried out at the desired location, the more surely the radon concentration can be determined. The lower the displayed measured radon value is after 2-3 days, the longer the measurement should be carried out to obtain exact results. For measurements below 50 Bq/m³, the measurement should be continued for at least one week.

LCD Funktionsdisplay
Measuring range:
< 250 Bq/m³
1 Bq/m³
Measuring accuracy:
Min. measuring time:
30 minutes
Measuring method:
Rechargeable battery:
3,7V 1000mAh (>3000 hours)
Power consumption:
<50 µA
11,7cm x 6cm x 1,5 cm