Title: The New Author: A beginner's self-help guide to novel writing, publishing as an independent ebook author and promoting your brand using social networks


Product Category : Books
ISBN : 1908943076
Title : The New Author: A beginner's self-help guide to novel writing, publishing as an independent ebook author and promoting your brand using social networks
EAN : 9781908943071
Authors : Barnes, Ruby
Binding : paperback
Publisher : Marble City Publishing
Publication Date : 29/03/2012 00:00:01
Pages : 200
Signed : False
First Edition : False
Dust Jacket : False
List Price (MSRP) : 7.99
Height : 0.5000 inches
Width : 5.0000 inches
Length : 8.0000 inches
Weight : 0.6200 pounds
Condition : Good