Honda SS50 CL50 CL65 Headlight Set Speedometer CD50 CD65 CD70 S90 CL90 SL90 CS90

Condition : New

We ship worldwide.

Item Location : We ship from our warehouse in Vietnam. We manage everything in California USA.

Handling Time : 1 business days.

Shipping Time : Normally about 1-2 weeks.
Note: Shipping time may arrive earlier than expected. Depends on your country's customs and ground transit time.

It may take about 7-10 days to arrive in USA, Europe, Australia. If you choose fast delivery service.
We always have many options for you.

Return Policy: Contact us within 15 days after received the package. Buyer can return the package to California, 95035, USA.

Please contact us for any question or concern. We will do our best to answer any question for you.

Any updates will be sent to you and we will track you throughout your shipping journey.

Thank you for your business.
