Sebastian Quill. Number 3, Summer 1972

Author: Mitchell, James
Title: Sebastian Quill. Number 3, Summer 1972
Publication: San Francisco, Calif.: Hoddypoll Press, 1972

Description: 4to. 96 pp., illus. San Francisco's first gay male literary magazine. Stories, poems, art and photographs by Jesse Allen, Bill Barber, Bruce Benderson, Alan Blackman, Bruce Boone, Rick Borg, Norman Bryson, Jonathan Chaves, Andrei Codrescu, Monica di Emidio, Sal Farinella, John Giorno, Robert Gluck, Allan Kornblum, Little John, Paul Mariah, James Mitchell, Dave Morice, Marsha MacDonald, H. H. Nelson, Lloyd Quibble, Rodney Price, Stephen Pride, Michael Ratcliffe, Blake Samson, Larry Seth Stewart, William Torphy, J. D. Wade, Hunce Voelcker, Fred Watkins, Martin Worman, and Ian Young. Very good in string-bound wraps.

Seller ID: 13-0034

Subject: Books

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