Title: Queen Elizabeth II - Commemorating Diamond Jubilee 1952 - 2012 The Times Limited Exclusive Edition | Lavishly illustrated book with hundreds of photos (Contents: The Queen's Accession and Coronation | The First Decade 1952-1961 | The Second Decade 1962-1971 | The Third Decade 1972-1981 | The Fourth Decade 1982-1991 including the Queen's Palaces | The Fifth Decade 1992-2001 | The Sixth Decade 2002-2011 | Diamond Jubilee Year | Diamond Jubilee Lega


Product Category : Books
ISBN : 000792481X
Title : Queen Elizabeth II - Commemorating Diamond Jubilee 1952 - 2012 The Times Limited Exclusive Edition | Lavishly illustrated book with hundreds of photos (Contents: The Queen's Accession and Coronation | The First Decade 1952-1961 | The Second Decade 1962-1971 | The Third Decade 1972-1981 | The Fourth Decade 1982-1991 including the Queen's Palaces | The Fifth Decade 1992-2001 | The Sixth Decade 2002-2011 | Diamond Jubilee Year | Diamond Jubilee Lega
EAN : 9780007924813
Binding : hardcover
Publisher : Harper Collins UK
Publication Date : 2012T
Pages : 192
Signed : False
First Edition : False
Dust Jacket : False
Height : 0.7086 inches
Width : 8.4252 inches
Length : 10.9449 inches
Weight : 2.0724 pounds
Condition : Very Good