Major L. Gordon Cooper, Jr - Orbits the Earth

This is a B317 Beck printed cachet plus a rubber stamp ship cachet on the back for the recovery of MA-9 on 05/16/1963. Major Cooper was launched from Cape Canaveral, FL on 05/15/1963 in the space capsule "Faith 7" atop an Atlas launch vehicle. He made 22.9 orbits of the earth in 34 hours after which time his space capsule splashed down in the Pacific Ocean where he was recovered by the USS Kearsage (CVS-33). This cover was cancelled on board the USS Kearsage on the recovery date. C/V=$300 - - - - - This is a very scarce Beck cachet # B317. Prime Recovery Ship. Ship Cachet on reverse

There are two Beck covers for  Gordon Cooper's flight in 1963
 postmarked on the prime recovery  ship, USS Kearsarge. According to
 Mr. Beck's cachet printing log B317 cachet was intended for USS
 Fletcher and not USS Kearsarge.  B323 was the correct cachet for
 USS Kearsarge. Mr. Beck sent a  total of 378 printed B317 envelopes
 to the US Navy for this flight. The  box was marked so all the B317
 covers would go to USS Fletcher.

That is not what happened. The US  Navy distributed the B317
 envelopes to at least 7 different  ships including USS Kearsarge.
 This means that the actual number of B317 covers cancelled by USS
 Fletcher is far less than 378. No one knows the actual quantity. This means
 that the quantity of B317 covers cancelled on the other ships
 including USS Kearsarge is VERY LOW. Our guess is 25 or less USS
 Kearsarge covers exist on B317.  USS Kearsarge is the only known
 cancel for B323, the correct cachet number for USS Kearsarge. Nearly
 300 B323 were produced.  Conclusion is that USS Kearsarge  B317 
cover is worth much more than the Kearsarge B323 for the  same event. 

The B323 covers sells on eBay for $100 or more.


In November, 2021 a USS Kearsarge, the PRS, on cachet B317 sold for $155 on eBay.

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