NOTE:This CD will NOT work in a standard CD player! This is an MP3 disk and it can only be played on devices capable of playing MP3 files. This disc contains MP3 files, and will play on your computer (PC or Mac) This disk can also be played in an MP3 compatible DVD or CD player capable of playing low bit-rate files (check your devices documentation for compatibility).

Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy had a long run on radio, from 1934 weekdays on NBC's New England stations to the ABC network in 1948. Bob Burlen was the first radio Tracy in 1934, and others heard in the role during the 1930s and 1940s were Barry Thomson, Ned Wever and Matt Crowley. The early shows all had 15-minute episodes.
One of the longest running young-adult-oriented old radio shows during the golden age of radio was the widely popular "Dick Tracy." The series aired over a period of 14 years, from 1934 - 1948, and was based on a newspaper comic strip. This juvenile police detective radio program began as a 15-minute show which was later extended to a full 30-minutes due to popular demand. The series’ central theme was crime-fighting taken to a higher level by the many mind boggling plot twists the shows writer’s came up with. What set Dick Tracy apart from other old time radio serializations was his use of high-tech and ultra-modern gadgets to fight the forces of evil. He was never without his faithful sidekick Pat Patton and his band of merry followers, Junior Tracy and Tess Trueheart.

Run Time 17 Hours 36 Minutes in 1 Mp3 Audio CD

1 Tess Disappears (Audition) - 11:22
2 Black Pearl of Osiris - 29:53
3 Pat Goes Overboard - 14:57
4 Mystery in the Hotel - 29:49
5 Dick Shot - 29:28
6 Dick gets ring of Osiris - 29:30
7 Pat Goes Overboard - 29:55
8 Dick Finds the Black Pearl - 29:24
9 An Agent is Murdered - 29:55
10 Going After the Ring - 29:59
11 Dick Captures the Gang - 29:47
12 Pat is Hypnotized - 29:46
13 Dick is Captured - 29:48
14 Dick Escapes - 29:14
15 Junior Kidnapped - 14:54
16 Junior Escapes - 14:45
17 Case Of The Firebug Murders - 25:01
18 Mounties At Pitchblend - 14:53
19 Snow Slide - 14:59
20 Who Is The Purple Rider - 14:54
21 Junior Is Kidnapped - 14:50
22 Junior Sends A Mirror Message - 14:56
23 Junior Rescued By And Captures Purple Rider - 14:54
24 Dick Lassoes the Purple Rider - 15:02
25 The Purple Rider Exposed - 14:52
26 Tracy Rescued and Kyle Captured - 14:59
27 Invisible Ink - 14:56
28 Case of the Hooting Owl - 14:58
29 Espionage at the Circus - 14:03
30 Case of the Empty Safe - 13:25
31 On the Trail of the Nighthawks - 14:36
32 Case of the Blood Ruby - 14:57
33 Case of the Buried Treasure - 14:29
34 Case of the Man Without a Head (Episode 1) - 14:09
35 Case of the Man Without a Head (Episode 2) - 13:33
36 Case of the Man Without a Head (Episode 3) - 13:39
37 Case of the Trained Seal - 14:45
38 One Suspect Too Many - 14:44
39 Case of the Dark Corridor - 29:15
40 Case of the Broken Window (Episode 1) - 14:18
41 Case of the Broken Window (Episode 2) - 14:33
42 Case of the Campus Murder - 11:52
43 Case Of The Careless Black Widow - 14:22
44 Case Of The Moth And The Flame Episode 1 - 14:27
45 Case Of The Moth And The Flame Episode 2 - 14:27
46 Case Of The Graveyard Watch - 15:03
47 Case of the No-Account Swindle - 14:44
48 Case of the Crooked Finger - 14:34
49 Case of the Unfunny Clowns (Episode 1) - 14:35
50 Case of the Sinister Second - 13:44
51 Case of the Low Hi-Jack (Episode 1) - 13:53
52 Case of the Low Hi-Jack (Episode 2) - 14:59
53 Case of the Low Hi-Jack (Episode 3) - 14:59
54 Case of the Book of Four Kings (Episode 1) - 15:18
55 Case of the Book of Four Kings (Episode 2) - 14:59
56 Case of the Book of Four Kings (Episode 3) - 13:48
57 Case of the Honorable Mr. Malice (Episode 1) - 13:52
58 Case of the Honorable Mr. Malice (Episode 2) - 15:01
59 Case of the Honorable Mr. Malice (Episode 3) - 13:49
60 Case of the Deadly Tip-Off (Episode 1) - 15:08
61 Case of the Deadly Tip-Off (Episode 2) - 14:57
62 Case of the Deadly Tip-Off (Episode 3) - 14:44
63 Case of the Poisinous Timber (Episode 1) - 14:34
64 Case of the Poisinous Timber (Episode 2) - 13:48
65 Case of the Poisinous Timber (Episode 3) - 14:05
66 Case of the Black Box (Episode 1) - 14:55
67 Case of the Black Box (Episode 2) - 14:40
68 Case of the Positive Negative (Episode 1) - 14:34
69 Case of the Positive Negative (Episode 2) - 14:46
70 Case of the Mermaids Mirrors - 14:39
71 Case of the Careless Crooner - 14:38

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.