How This Genius Full Body Exercise Equipment Works? 

There are four wheels in this equipment that are integrated into the resistance bands. With this machine, you can stretch and push to train and work out different body muscles. Secondly, you can lie down on The Frog, stretch, and pull the bands.  (Yes, just like the military press-ups!). The complete body resistance will ensure that all major muscles of the body are trained.

The Frog is integrated with the front and rear axle foam pad for the ultimate comfort of the users. In addition, there are two vertical stabilizer bars and foot pads for providing a comfortable and stable exercise experience. As far as the exercises are concerned, The Frog can be used for superman’s, core killers, mojos, and leapers.

All of these different exercises help tone and training different parts of the body. Above all, users can also do upper body and lower body workouts, along with triceps extensions and curls. The most unique fact is that, The Frog can be used for cardio and resistance training at a time. It has multiple resistance bands, so beginners and pros can use it with equal efficiency.

With The Frog, one can attach around three-band on either side for adding the intensity. Sliding away from the review, you can easily tone your body within a few weeks with different resistance levels. The resistance bands include 2x 10 pounds, 20 pounds, 40 pounds, and 60 pounds bands. By adding the three last bands, the resistance will get increase up to 240 pounds.