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Stainless Steel Blade

High hardness, high toughness, long-lasting sharpness, strong corrosion resistance

Full of beauty, fashion highlights

Size:  L
Total length: 200mm  7.87inch
Blade length: 90mm  3.54inch
Handle length: 115mm  4.53inch
Blade width: 30mm  1.18inch
Blade thickness: 2.5mm  0.098inch
Blade material: 8CR15MOV
Weight: 150g (including packaging)
Hardness: 58HRC
Handle: Steel 
Other: With waist clip

Size:  S
Total length: 155mm  6.10inch
Blade length: 67mm  2.64inch
Handle length: 90mm  3.54inch
Blade width: 22mm  8.66inch
Blade thickness: 2mm  0.078inch
Blade material: 8CR15MOV
Weight: 90g (including packaging)
Hardness: 58HRC
Handle: Steel 
Other: With waist clip