N-acetylcysteine, N-acetyl-L-cysteine or simply NAC is a simple organic compound, a derivative of the amino acid L-cysteine and a precursor of glutathione - one of the most important antioxidants in the human body, which is responsible for oxidative homeostasis in cells. The number of confirmed properties of N-acetylcysteine is constantly increasing. Scientists are learning more and more about the mechanisms of action of the compound and all the benefits that are associated with them.
NAC protects the liver from damage caused by toxic metabolites of various products. We are talking about toxins in food and over-the-counter products that most people use (e.g. paracetamol). N-acetylcysteine has strong antioxidant properties - it provides protection against free radicals and toxins.
N-acetylcysteine has great potential in preventing and neutralizing conditions that are the result of the action of free oxygen radicals. They cover many systems and the most important organs of the body. Free radicals are one of the main causes of chronic inflammation. Unfortunately, it is impossible to avoid them, because they do not result only from an inappropriate lifestyle, but also from environmental factors that are beyond anyone's control. NAC is a modulator of the immune system - it increases the body's resistance and prevents bacterial, viral and fungal attacks.

The list of beneficial properties of N-acetylcysteine is very long and its properties are extremely beneficial for our organs and for the proper functioning of many systems in our body.

N-acetylcysteine directly affects many processes constantly taking place in the body. Among the most important, it is worth mentioning:
-cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful substances;
-supporting the body's fight against oxidative stress;
-Reducing the concentration of the factor causing the degradation of blood vessels;
-Metabolism of cell membrane phospholipids (which perform many important functions, e.g. protect cells against internal and external factors);
-Activity of proteases (enzymes that control metabolic pathways in the body);
-Blood pressure regulation

Suggested Use: Consume one tablet 1-3 times per day.

Product highlights

Liver support, detoxifies and cleanses the body

Strong antioxidant inhibits cell`s degradation

Cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful substances

Protection against many serious health conditions

The best supplements
From nature for health


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