Signed Hand Painted Candlesticks by Susan Taylor Glasgow 2001 Early Art Work.

Susan Taylor Glasgow is an American artist born in 1958. She grew up across Lake Superior, in Duluth, Minnesota.  She graduated with a BFA in Design in 1983 from the University of Iowa. 

 After owning and operating a dressmaking shop “On Pins & Needles” from 1984 to 1997 Susan sold her business to pursue art. 

Susan is best known for her imaginative glass work. Her work retains in value from $2,000 up, with one piece currently listed for $18,000. 

Susan Taylor Glasgow has work in the permanent collections of several national and international museums, including the Chrysler Museum, Carnegie, Imagine, and Berstrom-Mahler of the United States, and the Alexander Tutsek-Stiftung, Germany.