POSTCARD - POSTCARD - CARTOLINA POSTALE da SAPPADA in inverno con Case Rustiche con neve. Certainly a nice addition to the collection for local collectors. readingPlease find out more about it below! 

Note: the images may sometimes be a little cropped, skewed or streaked - this is due to scanning. The card is completely in order, otherwise it is described under condition!

Note: pictures can sometimes be a little bit cut off, or mapped wrong or with some stripes - that comes from scanning. The postcard is completely fine, otherwise it is described under condition!

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Item condition:  used, very good condition, corners + edges very slightly bumped + rubbed / used, very good condition, very light damage at the edges.

Postally used / postally used: no / no 

Publisher / Photo / publisher:  as described above / like described above

Arrival stamp / cancellation of arrival:  no / no

Additional stamp / cancellation:  no / no 

Shipping costs with Austrian Post incl. Packaging + processing / shipping costs by Austrian Post Office incl. packaging and handling:  

Registered mail (mandatory from a selling price of €25) / Registered mail (obliged, bound at a selling price over €25): Austria €2.30, EU + worldwide €2.85

Detailed information:     

Sappada (Cimbrian-German Ploden or Pladen)

is a municipality in northern Italy, province of Belluno, Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, with 1,315 inhabitants (as of 31. December 2019).



Sappada is located in the south of the Carnic Alps at an altitude of 1,200 m south of Monte Peralba (Hochweißstein). The municipal area covers 62 km² and the population density is 22 inhabitants/km². Sappada is a village consisting of a chain of hamlets approximately five kilometers long, each with its own chapel, well and village inn.

The name Ploden is the German name of the river Piave, which flows through the town.



After 1000 AD The area was settled by Tyroleans from Villgraten and the Pustertal. Sappada was first mentioned in documents around 1270. Originally founded as a mining settlement (iron production on Monte Ferro, smelting in the neighboring town of Forni Avoltri), Sappada developed from the individual hamlets mentioned above into a farming community.


Language and customs

Sappada is one of several German-speaking islands of the Cimbri. The very well-preserved dialect, which belongs to the Cimbrian group, is now used as everyday language by around 70% of Sappada's inhabitants and reveals its East Tyrolean origins, so that it differs significantly from the Cimbrian of the other language islands (see below). There has recently been a “Plodner dictionary” with more than 500 pages.

Sappada is now a popular tourist destination in summer and winter. This has led to the immigration of Italian workers. In the younger generation, the “Ploderische” was temporarily in decline. Recently, however, the dialect has been particularly promoted primarily by the church and also by various cultural associations. The Veneto region and the province of Belluno also promote the old tradition to a limited extent - partly with support from the EU.

Sappada is one of the Zimber towns (along with Lusern and the Fersental) that are particularly proud of their own tradition and language and are committed to presenting them regionally and nationally.

Particularly interesting is the annual traditional carnival with the central figure “The rollate Lotter” and the folk dance group “Holzhockar”. The construction of the houses, which shows their East Tyrolean origins, also differs significantly from the Italian surrounding area.

In order to consolidate the special Cimbrian traditions, Sappada maintains close contacts with the other Cimbrian language islands in the provinces of Trent (Luserne and Fersental), Verona (Thirteen Municipalities), Vicenza (Seven Municipalities) and Udine (Tischlwang/ital. Timau and Oberzahre/ital. Sauris di Sopra).


Sappada (Plodn nel dialetto Germanico locale, Pladen in tedesco, Sapade in Friulano)

It is a municipality with 1,315 inhabitants in the province of Belluno.



Sappada care at an altitudine di 1250 meters nell'estremità orientale delle Dolomiti, oasis of lingua tedesca al confine tra Veneto, Friuli-Venezia Giulia e la Carinzia (Austria).

The country is located in the direction of Est–Ovest longo the valley attraversata dal Piave, the worries are in the territory of the municipality a 1800 meters from the old town on the slopes of Mount Peralba.


The comune is south division in 15 borgate

Cima Sappada (alt. 1290 m.), Cretta, Puiche, Ecche, Soravia, Kratten, Fontana, Hope, Cottern, Mühlbach, Bach, Pill, Palù, Granvilla, Lerpa (alt. 1225 m.)

Alcune di esse molto ancient, Hanno avuto origine from the prime family, provenienti from Austria, abitarono the valley. This is a linguistic isolation from Austro-Bavarese. The immigrant population is now in the second half of the 12th century in Pusteria, or the most likely country in Austria, in the country of Innervillgraten, is invited by the Counts of Gorizia. The Italian topography is also known as "Zappare", dialettale "Sapar", the German topography is also collegato in "Plat", "Piave".

Sappada è circondata da imponenti e suggestivi massicci dolomitici, the paesaggio è characteristic of verdi pascoli and estesi boschi di conifere; numerose le cascatelle ei laghetti alpini.

The Peralba is located at 2694 m. It is the second part of the Alpi Carniche, the main hill is also at Pic Cjadenis (m 2490); il Monte Lastroni (2450 m); il Monte Chiadenis (2454); il Monte Ferro (2320 m.) and Monte Siera (2,442 m).

Nonostante and si trovi in Veneto ha mantenuto forti legami con la vicina Carnia ed il Friuli, dal quale fu scorporata dagli Austria nel 1852 per passare sotto the province di Belluno: Tuttora il comune di Sappada rientra sotto l'arcidiocesi di Udine, la locale squadra The football team of the Carnico camp and the squad of sci sappadine differed in the colors of Friuli-Venezia Giulia.



The origin of Sappada is not so certain, the evidence is very probable and the second family of provenance in Austria (secondary leggenda of the country of Innervillgraten) is located in the valley with the authorship of the patriarch of Aquileia and the pagamento di una somma annuale.

The Valle all'Epoca era disabitata and incolta ei sappadini initiated a patient opera di disboscamento e coltivazione; In Breve nacque a piccolo borgo constitutes the characteristic case in legno adagiate nel soleggiato versante Nord della Valle. Intorno al paese verdi pascoli per l'allevamento dei bovini, campi di Segale, Avena, orzo e legumi e oltre ad essi boschi ricchi di selvaggina.

Nel 1500, all attività agricole and di pastorizia prosperava also the trade of the legname grazie alla forte richiesta di legno per barche da parte di Venezia. This is a period of prosperity and tranquility.

Dopo una breve parentesi di dominazione french nel 1814 Sappada fu dominata dagli austriaci cui si si devono the prime school and opera public.

Nel 1852 Sappada passava dalla provincia di Udine a quella di Belluno che a sua volta, qualche anno dopo, veniva annessa all'Italia (1866). Oggi, luglio 2007, the Consiglio Comunale di Sappada has deliberato dire al più presto a referendum on the population per the ritorno di Sappada alla historical region Friuli. Tale richiesta è state sottoscritta da oltre 400 cittadini si Sappada. A large number, consider the raccolta è stateta effettuata in pochissimi giorni.

During the first battle of the world, the military fought in a small battle on Monday, during the circus season, and was able to bring back and take part in several battles. Molte donne sappadine inoltre furono portatrici carniche, donne che volontariamente compivano centinaia di metri di dislivello per various volte al giorno per rifornire di viveri e munizioni i soldati Italiani al fronte. From 1916 to 1917, the country was evacuated by a number of early adopters of friendship from Austria in the dialect case: the populace of the Marche, in Tuscany (pressed by the Comune of Arezzo for the provisional seat of the Comune of Sappada), in Campania and in Sicilia. Nella seconda world war il paese fece parte della repubblica libera della Carnia e theater di scontri tra partigiani e tedeschi. Alcuni sappadini furono condotti in campi di concentrated, tra cui Dachau. Nel dopoguerra a causa della carenza di lavoro molti sappadini emigrarono all'estero, in particolare in Svizzera e Germania. In the second world war, the economy of tourism can also be achieved in the economy of the country, and a few people have to leave the house for all activities in the third place.


Borgata Mühlbach

The ancient mulini and segherie si trovavano proprio longo the rio Mülbach, the cui the name of quest'antica borgata. A voltage that has different social attitudes, comes to a family, to a country, to a municipality, but also at a different pace. In this borgata you can see the unique example of a house in legno with three pianos. Partendo da valle si estende una via Crucis dedicata al Calvario di Cristo, al termine della quale c'è the chiesetta della borgata.

(from Wikipedia)