Advanced Fertilizer Nutrients Hydroponic Concentrate A+B  2 X 500ml (1 litre )

Super Grow Nutrient Fertilizer Concentrate Solution.

30ml Nutrient A and 30ml of Nutrient B to 20 litres of water.

Store in a cool place, mix part A and part B in a nutrient tank with water.

Do not put concentrate A and B in the same container.

Keep out of reach of children.

Contains – Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium Sulphur, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron,

Copper, Berea, Manganese, Molybate and Calcium Nitrate. 

  1. Special Diamond Super Grow is a surfactant that eases the tension in Liquids so that so that your plants can feed more freely.
  2. Think of it this way to remove friction and has been painstakingly researched and developed, through 1000's of hours of plant-specific tissue sample tests.
  3. Humates will boost root growth and boost the power of chelation.
  4. Fulvates increase the permeability of plant membranes. This works well with Special Diamond Super Grow to make sure your plants can feed effortlessly.