Romanian Green Nettle Tea 50g 

In the past, nettle was used both for its medicinal value, as well as for obtaining dyes and often for homemade soap, produced in households. The nettle has a rather complex composition. It is especially known as a good source of minerals (primarily iron and magnesium), polyphenols and vitamins (especially vitamin K and C). It also contains numerous enzymes, which are lost through thermal preparation. Nettle is used in the form of tea and tincture. Benefits of nettle tea: - helps in the treatment of anemias, especially those caused by iron deficiency in the diet, due to its iron and vitamin C content; - acts as a general mineralizer; - protects blood vessels and reduces the risk of hemorrhages, thanks to vitamin K; - reduces the blood sugar level, therefore it is indicated both in the prevention of diabetes, and especially for diabetes patients. A better efficiency against diabetes is eating nettles (which is more indicated than tea in this case); - it has a diuretic action (especially due to the polyphenols it contains), being a very good remedy for people whose body tends to retain water. Daily consumption, for at least a few weeks, of nettle tea helps people affected by obesity to lose excess pounds much more easily; - prevents heart diseases and contributes to stopping their development, thanks to the diuretic effect and the contained antioxidants; - it is very effective in treating gout, because it significantly reduces the level of uric acid; - helps in detoxification; - contributes to the involution of bronchial asthma, provided that the affected person does not have an allergy to nettle. External use *: nettle tea prepared for external use is used in the case of hemorrhoids, varicose ulcers, disinfects and heals wounds, heals burns. In case of infection, it can be combined with the concentrated plantain infusion. The highest efficiency of nettle is in the treatment of anemia, gout and in the fight against obesity. For significant effects, we recommend consuming nettle tea over longer periods of time (weeks or months)...

Ceai de Urzica Vie "Urtica dioica" iarba 50g

In trecut urzica era folosita atat pentru valoarea sa medicinala, cat si la obtinerea unor coloranti si deseori la sapunul de casa, produs in gospodarii. Urzica are o compozitie destul de complexa. Este cunoscuta indeosebi ca o buna sursa de minerale (in primul rand fier si magneziu), polifenoli si vitamine (indeosebi vitamina K si C). Contine si numeroase enzime, care insa se pierd prin prepararea termica. Urzica se foloseste sub forma de ceai si de tinctura. Beneficii ceai urzica: - ajuta in tratarea anemiilor, mai ales a celor produse prin deficitul de fier in alimentatie, datorita continutului sau in fier si vitamina C; - actioneaza ca mineralizant general; - protejeaza vasele de sange si reduce riscul hemoragiilor, datorita vitaminei K; - reduce nivelul de zahar din sange, de aceea este indicat atat in prevenirea diabetului, cat mai ales pentru bolnavii de diabet. O eficienta mai buna impotriva diabetului o are mancarea  de urzici (care este mai indicata decat ceaiul in acest caz); - are actiune diuretica (in special datorita polifenolilor continuti), fiind un remediu foarte bun pentru persoanele al caror organism tinde sa retina apa. Consumul zilnic, timp de minimum cateva saptamani de ceai de urzica ajuta persoanele afectate de obezitate sa piarda mult mai usor kilogramele in exces; - previne bolile de inima si contribuie la stoparea evolutiei lor, datorita efectului diuretic si a antioxidantilor continuti; - este foarte eficace in tratarea gutei, deoarece reduce semnificativ nivelul de acid uric; - ajuta in detoxifiere; - contribuie la involutia astmului bronsic, cu conditia ca persoana afectata sa nu aiba alergie la urzica. Uz extern *: ceaiul de urzica preparat pentru uz extern foloseste in cazul hemoroizilor, a ulcerelor varicoase, dezinfecteaza si cicatrizeaza ranile, cicatrizeaza arsurile. In caz de infectie, poate fi combinat cu infuzia concentrata de patlagina. Eficienta cea mai ridicata a urzicii este in tratarea anemiei, a gutei si in combaterea obezitatii. Pentru efecte semnificative, recomandam consumarea ceaiului de urzica pe intervale mai mari de timp (saptamani sau luni)...