Health Benefits of Guggul/ Commiphora wightii

Churna/ Powder: ¼ tbsp. twice a day, preferably after meals alongside lukewarm water or as directed by the medical practitioner.

Gutika/ Tablet/ Capsule: 1-2 twice a day along with water after meals or as directed by the medical practitioner.

Lehyam/ Paste: Make a paste of equal quantity of Guggul powder and water and apply to the affected areas.

Guggul is a gum resin obtained from various tree species
of the Burseraceae family and forms an important part of
various ayurvedic formulations as it chiefly helps bind the
ingredients together. Some of the major plant species that
secrete Guggul in the form of plant sap include
Commiphora mukul, Commiphora wightii, Commiphora
gileadensis, Boswellia serrata, and Boswellia sacra,
among which guggul obtained from Commiphora wightii is
used majorly for preparing ayurvedic formulations. In
some Ayurvedic scriptures, Guggul is also mentioned as
'Pura', which signifies 'a substance that wards off disease'.
For centuries Guggul has been a part of the Ayurvedic
system of medicine for the treatment and management of
various health anomalies like obesity, cholesterol, arthritis,
skin infections, thyroid, heart and brain abnormalities,
inflammatory conditions, diabetes, respiratory woes, and
kidney problems.