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History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, 

Volumes One & Two

Andrew Dickson White

(1832 - 1918)

Andrew Dickson White (November 7, 1832 ā€“ November 4, 1918) was an American historian and educator who co-founded Cornell University and served as its first president for nearly two decades. He was known for expanding the scope of college curricula. A politician, he had served as state senator in New York. He was later appointed as an American diplomat to Germany and Russia, among other responsibilities. He was one of the founders of the conflict thesis, which states that science and religion have historically been in conflict.

The 21st Century, so far, has seen a dramatic and widespread questioning of "Science", much of it from "Evangelicals". But this attack on science is nothing new! Author White, in the late 1800's put it this way: from his introduction: "In all modern history, interference with science in the supposed interest of religion, no matter how conscientious such interference may have been, has resulted invariably, in the direst evils both to religion and to science; on the other hand, all untrammeled scientific investigation, no matter how dangerous to religion some of its stages may have seemed for the time to be, has invariably resulted in the highest good, both of religion and of science."

In these volumes, White chronicles the gradual emancipation of science from theology in various fields.

But White's work has been condemned by modern researchers! Historian of science and agnostic Ronald Numbers has stated, in a collection dealing with inaccuracies made by White and others, "Historians of science have known for years that White's ... accounts are more propaganda than history."

Biographer Albert Bigelow Paine mentioned that this book was one of Mark Twain's favorite books, near the end of his life. Barbara Schmidt, in her says, "Mark Twain referred to Dickson's book saying, 'When you read it you see how those old theologians never reasoned at all'" Twain's personal copy of White's two volumes are heavily marked with his marginalia.

A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, Volume One

Read by:John Greenman

Running Time:16:45:58 in 1 MP3 Audio CD

0 - Introduction

1 - Chap. 1 - From Creation to Evolution. Section 1 - The Visible Universe

2 - Chap. 1 - Section 2 - Theological Teachings regarding the Animals and Man

3 - Chap. 1 - Section 3 - Theological and Scientific Theories of an Evolution in Animated Nature

4 - Chap. 1 - Section 4 - The Final Effort of Theology

5 - Chap. 2 - Geography - Section 1 - The Form of the Earth

6 - Chap. 2 - Section 2 - The Delineation of the Earth

7 - Chap. 2 - Section 3 - The Inhabitants of the Earth

8 - Chap. 2 - Section 4 - The Size of the Earth

9 - Chap. 2 - Section 5 - The Character of the Earth's Surface

10 - Chap. 3 - Astronomy - Section 1 - The Old Sacred Theory of the Universe

11 - Chap. 3 - Section 2 - The Heliocentric Theory

12 - Chap. 3 - Section 3 - The War Upon Galileo

13 - Chap. 3 - Section 4 - Victory of the Church over Galileo

14 - Chap. 3 - Section 5 - Results of the Victory over Galileo

15 - Chap. 3 - Section 6 - The Retreat of the Church after its Victory over Galileo

16 - Chap. 4 - From "Signs and Wonders" to Law in the Heavens - Section 1 - The Theological View

17 - Chap. 4 - Section 2 - Theological Efforts to Crush the Scientific View

18 - Chap. 4 - Section 3 - The Invasion of Skepticism

19 - Chap. 4 - Section 4 - Theological Efforts at Compromise - The Final Victory of Science

20 - Chap. 5 - From Genesis to Geology - Section 1 - Growth of Theological Explanations

21 - Chap. 5 - Section 2 - Efforts to Suppress the Scientific View

22 - Chap. 5 - Section 3 - The First Great Effort at Compromise, Based on the Flood of Noah

23 - Chap. 5 - Section 4 - Final Efforts at Compromise - the Victory of Science Complete

24 - Chap. 6 - The Antiquity of Man, Egyptology, and Assyriology- Section 1 - The Sacred Chronology

25 - Chap. 6 - Section 2 - The New Chronology

26 - Chap. 7 - The Antiquity of Man and Prehistoric Archaeology - Section 1 - The Thunder-stones

27 - Chap. 7 - Section 2 - The Flint Weapons and Implements

28 - Chap. 8 - The "Fall of Man" and Anthropology

29 - Chap. 9 - The "Fall of Man" and Ethnology

30 - Chap. 10 - The "Fall of Man" and History

31 - Chap. 11 - From "The Prince of the Power of the Air" to Meteorology - Section 1 - Growth of a...

32 - Chap. 11 - Section 2 - Diabolical Agency in Storms

33 - Chap. 11 - Section 3 - The Agency of Witches

34 - Chap. 11 - Section 4 - Franklin's Lightning Rod

35 - Chap. 12 - From Magic to Chemistry and Physics - Section 1

36 - Chap. 12 - From Magic to Chemistry and Physics - Section 2

A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom, Volume Two

Read by John Greenman

Running Time:15:15:04 in 1 MP3 Audio CD

1 - Chapter 13 - From Miracles to Medicine - Section 1 - The Early and Sacred Theories of Disease

2 - Chapter 13 - Section 2 - Growth of Legends of Healing

3 - Chapter 13 - Section 3 - The Medieval Miracles of Healing Check Medical Science

4 - Chapter 13 - Section 4 - The Attribution of Disease to Satanic Influence

5 - Chapter 13 - Section 5 - Theological Opposition to Anatomical Studies

6 - Chapter 13 - Section 6 - New Beginnings of Medical Science

7 - Chapter 13 - Section 7 - Theological Discouragement of Medicine

8 - Chapter 13 - Section 8 - Fetish Cures under Protestantism - The Royal Touch

9 - Chapter 13 - Section 9 - The Scientific Struggle for Anatomy

10 - Chapter 13 - Section 10 - Theological Opposition to Inoculation, Vaccination, and the use of...

11 - Chapter 13 - Section 11 - Final Breaking Away of Theological Theory in Medicine

12 - Chapter 14 - From Fetish to Hygiene - Section 1 - The Theological View of Epidemics and...

13 - Chapter 14 - Section 2 - Gradual Decay of Theological Views Regarding Sanitation

14 - Chapter 14 - Section 3 - The Triumph of Sanitary Science

15 - Chapter 14 - Section 4 - The Relation of Sanitary Science to Religion

16 - Chapter 15 - From "Demoniacal Possession" to Insanity - Section 1 - Theological Ideas of Lunacy...

17 - Chapter 15 - Section 2 - Beginnings of Healthful Skepticism

18 - Chapter 15 - Section 3 - The Final Struggle and Victory of Science - Pinel and Tuke

19 - Chapter 16 - From Diabolism to Hysteria - Section 1 - The Epidemics of "Possession"

20 - Chapter 16 - Section 2 - Beginnings of Helpful Skepticism

21 - Chapter 16 - Section 3 - Theological "Restatements" - Final Triumph of the Scientific View and...

22 - Chapter 17 - From Babel to Comparative Philology - Section 1 - The Sacred Theory in its First...

23 - Chapter 17 - Section 2 - The Sacred Theory of Language in its Second Form

24 - Chapter 17 - Section 3 - Breaking Down of the Theological View

25 - Chapter 17 - Section 4 - Triumph of the New Science

26 - Chapter 17 - Section 5 - Summary

27 - Chapter 18 - From the Dead Sea Legends to Comparative Mythology - Section 1 - The Growth of...

28 - Chapter 18 - Section 2 - Medieval Growth of the Dead Sea Legends

29 - Chapter 18 - Section 3 - Post-Reformation Culmination of the Dead Sea Legends - Beginnings of...

30 - Chapter 18 - Section 4 - Theological Efforts at Compromise - Triumph of the Scientific View

31 - Chapter 19 - From Leviticus to Political Economy - Section 1 - Origin and Progress of...

32 - Chapter 19 - Section 2 - Retreat of the Church - Protestant and Catholic

33 - Chapter 20 - From the Divine Oracles to the Higher Criticism - Section 1 - The Older...

34 - Chapter 20 - Section 2 - Beginnings of Scientific Interpretation

35 - Chapter 20 - Section 3 - The Continued Growth of Scientific Interpretation

36 - Chapter 20 - Section 4 - The Closing Struggle

37 - Chapter 20 - Section 5 - Victory of the Scientific and Literary Methods

38 - Chapter 20 - Section 6 - Reconstructive Force of Scientific Criticism

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