SS CLIFTON ship cover with a pictorial postmark from New Philadelphia, Ohio dated Sept 24, 2022. Blue photo cachet #2161 of the ship by Alvin Eckert USCS #9964.

This whale-back ore freighter was a self-propelled barge that sank in a storm near Thunder Bay Island on Sept 21-22. 1924 on Lake Huron. The hull was not discovered until 2016. See her web pages for the details of her design, construction and service history.  26 crewmen were lost in this disaster.

Cover is franked with a 3 cent Soo Locks stamp and a 57 cent American Flag stamp # 5657.

The seller has seven other covers for Great Lakes dive sites. See listed covers for SS Cedarville, Carl D. Bradley, Edmund Fitzgerald, John B. Cowle, Manasoo, and Wexford.

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