Tianshi Blood Pressure Normalization Device is a therapeutic device for lowering blood pressure. Developed on the basis of technical studies of the theory of biomedicine, it is the laureate of eight international gold medals for scientific and technical invention and design. When in contact with the body, the massager stimulates the body's bio-closed electrical circuit, improves the potential of the cells of the walls of the arterial muscle, and increases the external resistance of erythrocytes. The device transforms the energy flow and saturates the weakened artery cells with charged ions.

Device properties:

contributes to the general relaxation of the body
improves blood circulation, as a result of which blood pressure stabilizes
using a massager improves mood
relieves nervous tension.
Head massage:

With hypertension and unstable pressure
When dizzy (the headache will pass after 5 minutes)
With moderate baldness and early gray hair.
Stops hair loss in 5 days.
Massage your head 2-3 times a day for 5 minutes. First along the center line and then along the side hairlines on the head and behind each ear. Only 5 lines. With long-term use, gray hair darkens, becomes shiny and docile.