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Chronicles of America Series 15 Vols of History Audiobooks in 15 MP3 Audio CDs

Chronicles of America Series 15 Vols of History Audiobooks in 15 MP3 Audio CDs
Chronicles of America is a fifty volume series on American history published by Yale University Press. A series of film adaptations was also commissioned from the series and about 15 completed. Entries in the series were first published in 1918. They were written by historians about various aspects of American history. The series was edited by Allen Johnson and published by Yale University. 
This listing includes the first 15 volumes of the series.

The Chronicles of America Volume 01 - The Red Man's Continent
Ellsworth Huntington (1876 - 1947)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:04:01:20 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Characteristics of the peoples and environment of the earliest stages of America. 

The Chronicles of America Volume 02 - The Spanish Conquerors
Irving Berdine Richman (1861 - 1938)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:05:13:50 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
A discussion of the adventures of the Spanish explorers from Columbus to Pizarro. 

The Chronicles of America Volume 03 - Elizabethan Sea-Dogs
William Wood (1864 - 1947)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:05:09:02 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Citizen, colonist, pioneer! These three words carry the history of the United States back to its earliest form in 'the New World called America.' But who prepared the way for the pioneers from the Old World and what assured their safety in the New? The title of the present volume, Elizabethan Sea-Dogs gives the only answer. It was during the reign of Elizabeth, the last of the Tudor sovereigns of England, that Elizabethans won the command of the sea under the consummate leadership of Sir Francis Drake, the first of the modern admirals. Drake and his companions are known to fame as Sea-Dogs. They won the English right of way into Spain's New World. And Anglo-American history begins with that century of maritime adventures and naval war in which English sailors blazed and secured the long sea-trail for the men of every other kind who found or sought their fortunes in America - Summary from the Prefatory Note

The Chronicles of America Volume 04 - Crusaders of New France 
William Bennett Munro (1875 - 1957)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:05:10:59 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The previous volumes in the Chronicles of America series placed Spain and England at the fore in the discovery and development of the New World. This book focuses on the role that France played in America's journey to becoming a world power.

The Chronicles of America Volume 05 - Pioneers of the Old South
Mary Johnston (1870 - 1936)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:05:37:01 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
In this remarkably detailed and sweeping fifth installment, Mary Johnston takes us from discoveries and settlements to the evolution into the first colonies, specifically Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, and finally Georgia.

The Chronicles of America Volume 06 - The Fathers of New England
Charles Morris (1833 - 1922)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:04:22:04 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This sixth installment in the series, as one would expect, deals with events in the northern settlements that were taking place at the same times as those in the southern. The opening passage explains: "The Pilgrims and Puritans, whose migration to the New World marks the beginning of permanent settlement in New England, were children of the same age as the enterprising and adventurous pioneers of England in Virginia, Bermuda, and the Caribbean. It was the age in which the foundations of the British Empire were being laid in the Western Continent." 

The Chronicles of America Volume 07 - Dutch and English on the Hudson
Maud Wilder Goodwin (1856 - 1935)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:05:05:09 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Geography is the maker of history. The course of Dutch settlement in America was predetermined by a river which runs its length of a hundred and fifty miles from the mountains to the sea through the heart of a fertile country and which offers a natural highway for transportation of merchandise and for communication between colonies. No man, however, could foresee the development of the Empire State when, on that memorable September day in 1609, a small Dutch yacht named the Halve Maene or Half Moon, under the command of Captain Henry Hudson, slipped in past the low hook of sand in front of the Navesink Heights, and sounded her way to an anchorage in what is now the outer harbor of New York. (from Chapter 1)

The Chronicles of America Volume 08 - The Quaker Colonies
Sydney Fisher (1856 - 1927)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:04:59:23 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The Quaker Colonies describes the Quaker emigration to the colonies in the sixteen and seventeen hundreds and at the same time its involvement in the evolution of Pennsylvania, Delaware and New Jersey. Throughout, the author investigates the various interactions--religious, cultural, and political--between the racial and national groups: the Indians, the French (albeit briefly), the English (Quaker, Catholic, and Anglican), the Dutch, and the Swedes.

The Chronicles of America Volume 09 - Colonial Folkways
Charles Morris (1833 - 1922)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:04:50:37 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This work according to the subtitle is "a chronicle of American life in the reign of the Georges." It describes land, locales, houses, habits, diversions, learning, religion, labor, and travel.

The Chronicles of America Volume 10 - Conquest of New France
George Wrong (1860 - 1948)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:04:59:04 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
The English colonies, holding a great stretch of the Atlantic seaboard, increased in number and power. New France also grew stronger. The steady hostility of the rivals never wavered. There was, indeed, little open warfare as long as the two Crowns remained at peace. From 1660 to 1688, the Stuart rulers of England remained subservient to their cousin the Bourbon King of France and at one with him in religious faith. But after the fall of the Stuarts France bitterly denounced the new King, William of Orange, as both a heretic and a usurper, and attacked the English in America with a savage fury unknown in Europe. From 1690 to 1760 the combatants fought with little more than pauses for renewed preparation, and the conflict ended only when France yielded to England the mastery of her empire in America. It is the story of this struggle, covering a period of seventy years, which is told in the following pages. - Summary from the Introduction

The Chronicles of America Volume 11 - Eve of the Revolution
Carl L. Becker (1873 - 1945)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:05:29:24 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
Here is a look at the evolution of thought and events that led Benjamin Franklin to make this statement: "British subjects, by removing to America, cultivating a wilderness, extending the domain, and increasing the wealth, commerce, and power of the mother country, at the hazard of their lives and fortunes, ought not, and in fact do not thereby lose their native rights."

The Chronicles of America Volume 12 - Washington and his Comrades in Arms
George Wrong (1860 - 1948)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:05:45:41 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This twelfth volume in the Chronicles of America (series) follows the lengthy and difficult war against England for independence as led by George Washington.

The Chronicles of America Volume 13 - The Fathers of the Constitution
Max Farrand (1869 - 1945)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:03:11:22 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
In this next installment of the Chronicles of America, Farrand takes American history from peace treaty, to trade, to confederation, to further conflicts and developments, to convention, and finally to union.

The Chronicles of America Volume 14 - Washington and His Colleagues
Henry Jones Ford (1851 - 1925)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:04:27:17 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
This next volume of the Chronicles of American series investigates Washington's development in the day to day world the various dimensions of the newly conceived Federal government with a president, a congress, a supreme court, a cabinet (his own creation), and a state department. Washington, being a man of great strength and character forged his own way, but was surrounded by all those remarkable men who had been his friends and helpers and challengers too in his past who became his colleagues in the endeavor to make the new form of government succeed against sometimes unforeseen and difficult situations.

The Chronicles of America Volume 15 - Jefferson and his Colleagues
Allen Johnson (1870 - 1931)
Read by Jim Locke
Running Time:06:25:41 in 1 MP3 Audio CD
In this volume, we have the Virginia Dynasty of presidents: Jefferson, Madison, and Monroe. America at this time was involved in expansion with the Louisiana Purchase and the annexation of the Floridas. Then too we were involved in international affairs especially with Tripoli, England (the War of 1812), and Spain. And all this led to the establishment of what has become known as the Monroe Doctrine. At the end of it all, America has become more thoroughly American. Of course, on the horizon as a consequence of The Missouri Compromise looms the controversy surrounding slavery. This is Volume 15 of the Chronicles of America Series.

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