TERRANOVA Easy Iron 20mg Complex is enhanced with highly active, whole and unadulterated superfoods and botanicals. Iron is essential for building healthy red blood cells to carry oxygen for energy.

Rose Hips

Vitamin C significantly enhances the utilisation of iron. With a concentration more than 100 times that of oranges, rose hips are one of nature`s richest sources of vitamin C.

Stabilised Rice Bran (SRB)

SRB is one of the richest sources in nature of vitamin E-related compounds including tocopherols and tocotrienols. The inclusion of SRB in this product is primarily to compensate for the oxidising effect that iron has on vitamin E. Although cereal fibres can impair the absorption of various forms of iron, fully-reacted iron bisglycinate (the only form used by TERRANOVA) is not affected in this manner.

Green Barley Grass

In addition to its iron content, barley grass is an excellent source of chlorophyll and folic acid (which is needed for haemoglobin formation). Chlorophyll is particularly significant in that it is molecularly identical to haemoglobin, with the exception of the fact that it contains magnesium instead of iron.

Acai Berry

Acai berries provide both of the members of the vitamin E family, tocopherols and tocotrienols. As with the stabilised rice bran, acai is included primarily in order to compensate for the oxidising effect of iron on vitamin E.


Each Terranova nutritional product is enhanced with its own synergistic complex of botanicals and phytonutrient-rich foods, called Magnifood. Magnifood ingredients are combined in a manner which enhances the body`s biochemical environment in order to maximise the potential benefits of the product`s vitamins, minerals and/or other nutrients. Many of the plants used in Magnifood are fresh freeze dried. Research shows that fresh freeze drying has the unique ability to retain a plant`s enzymes, and is shown to be superior to other drying methods in terms of activity, stability, solubility and preservation of a plant`s original fresh chemistry (as it was when the plant was harvested).

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