Welcome to The Bible Leaf Depot

Our Business is solely about selling



We annually sell hundreds of 15th, 16th and 17th century Bible Leaves. KJV,Geneva, Great, Bishops, Matthews and even early Latin and German Bible Leaves.

Bible Title Pages-General and New Testament

And small quantities of other Rare leaves-I also sell individual sermons from the 1500's, 1600's, 1700's and 1800's.

If you need a particular Leaf-let me know.


For Buy it Now-The actual-Original New Testament Title Page to A 1715 dated KJV Bible that included Geneva Notes-probably printed in Amsterdam. Beza Summaries and Revelation Annotations by Fr. Junius.!!!!

  Blank Reverse-Light Browning-inside edge needs a quick trim.

 This is Herberts # 936-Darlow and Moule # 731 

 Title measures 16 1/8" by 9 1/2"

Rare Bible  Title-308 years old.

Great Title Page to Frame!!
God bless