Chelator Detox 3xBiotics 40cps

English description, see Romanian below

In a world where we are increasingly abused by numerous harmful elements: heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals in food (preservatives, dyes, sweeteners, alcohol, etc.), in water (chlorine, fluorine), in cosmetics, from the air (smoking, chemtrails and pollution), etc., the human body's defense capacity is exceeded, requiring detoxification cures. They lead to the elimination of toxic substances through the liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, skin (sweating), breathing.

Chelator Detox 3xBiotics – Benefits:

Chelation is the treatment method consisting in the binding of heavy metal ions (lead, mercury, arsenic, cadmium, etc.), with the possibility of their elimination. Extremely small doses of these metals accumulate over time in the body (especially in the brain and fat tissue) and can create numerous and extremely serious health problems. Detoxification, commonly known as detox, refers to the process of removing toxins and harmful substances from the body.

Chelator Detox 3xBiotics – Fights Noxious Substances

The liver is the main organ responsible for detoxification; it processes toxins into water-soluble components that can be excreted through urine and bile. The best way to achieve natural detoxification of your body are: a healthy diet, regular exercise, avoiding exposure to environmental toxins as much as possible and… Chelator Detox 3xbiotics; the 8 fermented plants (coriander, chlorella, artichoke, black garlic, chicory, dandelion, parsley, afa alga), fermented pollen, amino acids (glycine, methionine, NAC) and activated charcoal help you achieve this goal; the product is used in courses of 1-2 months repeated 3-4 times/year.

Chelator Detox 3xBiotics – Ingredients/cps:

atomized from:

  • Coriander seeds – 20%,
  • Chlorella vulgaris – 15%,
  • Artichoke leaves (Cynara scolymus) – 15%,
  • Fermented Black Garlic (Allium sativum) bulbs – 15%,
  • chicory root (Cichorium intybus) – 15%,
  • dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale) – 10%,
  • Parsley leaves (Petroselinum crispum) – 5%,
  • Algae Afa (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) – 5%) – 350 mg,

capsule: hypromellose (HPMC),

  • fermented polyflor pollen (maltodextrin 60%) – 100 mg,
  • glycine – 100 mg,
  • activated charcoal powder – 50 mg,
  • N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) – 50 mg.

Chelator Detox 3xBiotics – How to use:

1 capsule 2 times a day, before meals, with a glass of still water (intended for adults).

Contraindicated to people allergic to bee products or to any of the other ingredients of the product!

Consult the specialist before use, especially by pregnant or lactating women!

Romanian description

Chelator Detox 3xBiotics 40cps

Intr-o lume in care suntem din ce in ce mai abuzati de numeroase elemente nocive: metale grele, pesticide, substante chimice din alimente (conservanti, coloranti, edulcoranti, alcool, etc), din apa (clor, fluor), din cosmetice, din aer (fumat, chemtrails si poluare) etc, organismului uman i se depaseste capacitatea de aparare, necesitand cure de detoxifiere. Acestea duc la eliminarea substantelor toxice prin intermediul ficatului, rinichilor, sistemului limfatic, pielii (sudoratie), respiratiei.

Chelator Detox 3xBiotics – Beneficii:

Chelarea este metoda de tratament constand in legarea ionilor de metale grele (plumb, mercur, arsenic, cadmiu, etc), cu posibilitatea eliminarii acestora. Doze extrem de mici din aceste metale se acumuleaza in timp in organism (in special in creier si tesut gras) si pot crea numeroase si extrem de serioase probleme de sanatate. Detoxifierea, cunoscuta in mod obisnuit ca detox, se refera la procesul de eliminare a toxinelor si a substantelor nocive din organism.

Chelator Detox 3xBiotics – Fights Nocive Substances

Ficatul este principalul organ responsabil de detoxifiere; el proceseaza toxinele in componente solubile in apa, care pot fi excretate prin urina si bila. Cel mai bun mod pentru a realiza detoxifierea naturala a corpului tau sunt: o dieta sanatoasa, exercitiile regulate, evitarea expunerii la toxinele din mediu pe cat se poate si… Chelator Detox 3xbiotics; cele 8 plante fermentate (coriandru, chlorella, anghinare, usturoi negru, cicoare, papadie, patrunjel, alga afa) polenul fermentat, aminoacizi (glicina, metionina, NAC) cat si carbunele activat te ajuta sa obtii acest deziderat; produsul este utilizat in cure de 1-2 luni repetate de 3-4 ori/an.

Chelator Detox 3xBiotics – Ingrediente/cps:

atomizat din:

  • seminte de Coriandru – 20%,
  • Chlorella vulgaris – 15%,
  • frunze de Anghinare (Cynara scolymus) – 15%,
  • bulbi de Usturoi-negru (Allium sativum) fermentat – 15%,
  • radacina de Cicoare (Cichorium intybus) – 15%,
  • radacina de Papadie (Taraxacum officinale) – 10%,
  • frunze de Patrunjel (Petroselinum crispum) – 5%,
  • alga Afa (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae) – 5%) – 350 mg,

capsula: hipromeloza (HPMC),

  • polen poliflor fermentat (maltodextrina 60%) – 100 mg,
  • glicina – 100 mg,
  • pulbere de carbune activ vegetal – 50 mg,
  • N-acetil-L-cisteina (NAC) – 50 mg.

Chelator Detox 3xBiotics – Mod de utilizare:

cate 1 capsula de 2 ori pe zi, inainte de masa, cu un pahar de apa plata (destinat adultilor).

Contraindicat persoanelor alergice la produsele apicole sau la oricare dintre celelalte ingrediente ale produsului!

A se consulta specialistul inainte de utilizare, in special de catre femeile insarcinate sau cele care alapteaza!

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