Pro Active Kollagen, 20 sticks

English description, see Romanian below

Pro Active Collagencontains hydrolyzed marine collagen, the main source of collagen type 1. It helps tojoint mobility and reduction of inflammation

Benefits of hydrolyzed marine collagen:

    • it has a very similar structure to human collagen;
    • combats skin aging;
    • repairs the bone system by helping in the bone remineralization process;
    • nourishes the joints for good mobility.
    • Collagen is a protein - basic material for tissues, important for healthy bones, teeth, tendons and ligaments.
    • 3xbiotics collagen, atomized from fermented Acerola, horsetail, pollen and bamboo (rich in silicon) is beneficial for the skin and strengthening the joints.


  • Pro Active Collagencontainhydrolyzed marine collagen(the main source of type 1 collagen, extracted from seafood and fish scales) and helps joint mobility and reduce inflammation, the effect being potentiated byC vitamin(which act synergistically, encouraging the natural production of collagen).
  • MS(methylsulfonyl methane) is a natural source of biologically active sulfur that normally exists in joints with an anti-inflammatory role, reducing joint pain.
  • Hyaluronic acidit is present in most joint supplements, being the most important source for intra-articular mobility.
  • Shilajit and Triphalais a complex that has the effect of creating numerous organic products that chelate and dissolve minerals, vitamins and other nutrients, making them easily absorbable and usable at the cellular level. It provides a wide range of antioxidants and anti-inflammatory products.
  • Zinc and seleniumthey are essential trace elements in the products for the protection of the joints and the presence of yeast ensures better absorption.

Pro Active Kollagen – Use:

Dissolve the contents of one sachet in 200 ml of plain water, or mix in 100 g of yogurt/sana/kefir. Also useful for vegans. Gluten free! Sugar free!

This is a dietary supplement. Food supplements do not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Add proper physical exercise and mental balance. Our product is obtained in accordance with ISO 22000, ISO 9001 and GMP quality standards.


Pro Nature

Mode of presentation

Box of 20 sticks


To store: away from heat, light and humidity, in a dry and cool place. Keep out of reach and sight of small children.


Up to 24 months, under the storage conditions mentioned above. See the date written on the packaging.

Romanian description

Pro Active Kollagen, 20 stick-uri

Pro Active Kollagen contine colagen marin hidrolizat, principala sursa de colagen de tip 1. Ajuta la mobilitatea articulatiilor si reducerea inflamatiilor

Beneficiile colagenului marin hidrolizat:

    • are o  structura foarte similara cu colagenul uman;
    • combate imbatranirea pielii;
    • repara sistemul osos ajutand in procesul de remineralizare osoasa;
    • hraneste articulatiile pentru o buna mobilitate.
    • Colagenul este o proteina – material de baza pentru tesuturi, important pentru oase, dinti, tendoane si ligamente sanatoase.
    • Colagenul 3xbiotics, atomizat din fermentat de Acerola, coada calului, polen si bambus (bogat in siliciu) este benefic pielii si intaririi articulatiilor.


  • Pro Active Kollagen contine colagen marin hidrolizat (principala sursa de colagen de tip 1, extras din fructe de mare si solzii pestilor) si ajuta la mobilitatea articulatiilor si reducerea inflamatiilor, efectul fiind potentat de vitamina C (care actioneaza sinergic, incurajand productia naturala de colagen).
  • MSM ( metilsulfonil metan) este o sursa naturala de sulf biologic activ care exista in mod normal in articulatii cu rol antiinflamator, reducand durerile de la nivelul articulatiilor.
  • Acidul hialuronic este prezent in majoritatea suplimentelor pentru articulatii fiind cea mai importanta sursa pentru mobilitatea intra-articulara.
  • Shilajit si Triphala este un complex care are ca efect crearea a numerosi produsi organici ce cheleaza si dizolva minerale, vitamine si alti nutrienti, facandu-le usor absorbabile si utilizabile la nivel celular. Asigura o gama larga de antioxidanti si produsi antiinflamatorii.
  • Zincul si seleniul sunt oligoelemente esentiale in produsele pentru protectia articulatiilor iar prezenta drojdiilor le asigura o mai buna absorbtie.

Pro Active Kollagen – Utilizare:

Dizolvati continutul unui plic in 200 ml de apa plata, sau amestecati in 100 g de iaurt/ sana/ kefir. Util si pentru vegani. FARA gluten! FARA zahar!

Acesta este un supliment alimentar. Suplimentele alimentare nu inlocuiesc o dieta variata si echilibrata si un mod de viata sanatos. Adaugati exercitiile fizice corespunzatoare si echilibru mental. Produsul nostru este obtinut in conformitate cu standardele de calitate ISO 22000, ISO 9001 si GMP.


Pro Natura

Mod de prezentare

Cutie cu 20 stick-uri


A se pastra: ferit de caldura, lumina si umiditate, intr-un loc uscat si racoros. A nu se lasa la indemana si vederea copiilor mici.


Pana la 24 luni, in conditiile de pastrare mentionate mai sus. Vezi data inscrisa pe ambalaj.

We always accept fair offers and answer messages on the same dayIf you can't find what you're looking for, please contact us and we will try to find it, as we are dealing with special orders regularly!