Rheuma Flex 150cp

English description, see Romanian below

Product information:

  • The product ensures an optimal intake of substances necessary for the physiological structure and activity of the articular cartilages
  • It improves the symptoms of damage to the joints of the limbs and the spine
  • It has positive effects in cases of mechanical overuse of the joints (demanding physical work, performance sports, obesity) and in joint recovery after injuries of the locomotor system
  • Stimulates collagen synthesis
  • Beneficial effect on the skin

– Boswellia extract 0.100g/cp
– Harpagophyt 0.100g/cp
- Hyaluronic acid 0.015g/cp
– Glucosamine 0.200g/cp
– Chondroitin sulfate 0.150g/cp
– Excipients

1pc x 2/day, morning and evening, before meals with a glass of Pi water or still water, for a period of 3 months.

Packaging, presentation: 150 capsules

Romanian description

Rheuma Flex 150cp

Informatii Produs:

  • Produsul asigurã un aport optim al substanþelor necesare structurii fiziologice si activitãtii cartilajelor articulare
  • Amelioreazã simptomele afectãrii articulatiilor membrelor si coloanei vertebrale
  • Prezintã efecte pozitive in cazurile de suprasolicitare mecanicã a articulatiilor (muncã fizicã solicitantã, sport de performanþã, obezitate) si in recuperarea articularã dupã traumatisme ale aparatului locomotor
  • Stimuleazã sinteza de colagen
  • Efect benefic la nivelul tegumentelor

– Extract boswellia 0,100g/cp
– Harpagophyt 0,100g/cp
– Acid hialuronic 0,015g/cp
– Glucozaminã 0,200g/cp
– Condroitin sulfat 0,150g/cp
– Excipienti

1cp x 2/zi, dimineaþa si seara, inainte de mese cu un pahar de apã Pi sau apã platã, pe o perioadã de 3 luni.

Ambalaj, prezentare: 150 capsule

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