Ashwagandha 40cps

English description, see Romanian below

Dry extract from the roots of Indian Ginseng (Withania somnifera) with 5% withanolides – 500 mg; capsule: gelatin, titanium dioxide.
Indian ginseng (Withania somnifera).

It ensures a peaceful and restful sleep, supports the body in the fight against anxious states, combats the effects of stress, improves learning ability, memory and response time, contributing both to maintaining a good mental and muscular tone, and to increasing the body's energy level (increases physical resistance and muscle mass, gives energy to the body), protects tissues against injuries.

Administration method:
1 capsule 2 times/day, before main meals, with a glass of plain water.
The product is used before meals, in the morning and in the evening, with a glass of plain water, for a period of 3 months.

Contraindicated to people allergic to the product components! Do not administer to pregnant and lactating women!
The product is a food supplement and should not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.
Keep out of the reach and sight of small children. Do not exceed recommended dose for daily consumption.


40 capsules

Romanian description

Ashwagandha 40cps

Extract uscat din radacini de Ginseng indian (Withania somnifera) cu 5% withanolide – 500 mg; capsula: gelatina, dioxid de titan.
Ginseng-indian (Withania somnifera).

Asigura un somn linistit si odihnitor, sustine organismul in lupta cu starile anxioase, combate efectele stresului, imbunatateste capacitatea de invatare, memoria si timpul de raspuns, contribuind atat la mentinerea unui tonus psihic si muscular bun, cat si la cresterea nivelului de energie din organism (creste rezistenta fizica si masa musculara, da energie organismului), protejeaza tesuturile impotriva ranilor.

Mod de administrare:
1 capsula de 2 ori/zi, inainte de mesele principale, cu un pahar de apa plata.
Produsul se foloseste inainte de mese, dimineata si seara, cu un pahar de apa plata, pe o perioada de 3 luni.

Contraindicat persoanelor alergice la componentele produsului! A nu se administra gravidelor si femeilor ce alapteaza!
Produsul este un supliment alimentar si nu trebuie sa inlocuiasca o dieta variata si echilibrata si un stil de viata sanatos.
A nu se lasa la indemana si la vederea copiilor mici. A nu se depasi doza recomandata pentru consumul zilnic.


40 capsule

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