Momordica 3xBiotics 40cps

English description, see Romanian below

Momordica 3xBiotics – Benefits:

  1. Bitter cucumbers and chromium keep blood glucose levels within normal parameters.
  2. Pollen contributes to supporting immunity; supports the appetite; contributes to the well-being of the gastrointestinal system; supports the body's vitality and resistance; supports balanced blood lipid levels; supports the good functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

Momordica 3xBiotics – Ingredients/cps:

  • Bitter cucumber fruit powder (Momordica charantia) – 400 mg;
  • fermented polyflor pollen - 100 mg,
  • cinnamon bark powder (Cassia vera) – 49mg;
  • chromium picolinate – 1 mg*; (*maximum dose/2 capsules provides 24.9 mcg Cr/62%VNR);

The ingredients were fermented in symbiotic cultures of yeasts and bacteria and dried on a bed of maltodextrin.

Momordica 3xBiotics – Mode of administration:

1 capsule 2 times a day, before main meals with a glass of plain water.

Presentation: bottle with 40 capsules

Romanian description

Momordica 3xBiotics 40cps

Momordica 3xBiotics – Beneficii:

  1. Castravetele-amar si cromul metin nivelul glucidelor din sange in parametrii normali.
  2. Polenul contribuie la sustinerea imunitatii; sustine apetitul; contribuie la bunastarea sistemului gastrointestinal; sustine vitalitatea si rezistenta organismului; sustine nivelurile echilibrate de lipide din sange; sustine buna functionare a inimii si a vaselor de sange.

Momordica 3xBiotics – Ingrediente/cps:

  • pulbere din fructe de Castravete-amar (Momordica charantia) – 400 mg;
  • polen poliflor fermentat – 100 mg,
  • pulbere din scoarta de Scortisoara (Cassia vera) – 49mg;
  • crom picolinat – 1 mg*; (*doza maxima/2 capsule furnizeaza 24,9 mcg Cr/62%VNR);

Ingredientele au fost fermentate in culturi simbiotice de drojdii si bacterii si uscate pe pat de maltodextrina.

Momordica 3xBiotics – Mod de administrare:

1 capsula de 2 ori pe zi, inainte de masele principale cu un pahar de apa plata.

Mod de prezentare: flacon cu 40 capsule

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