Propolis hydroglyceric extract without alcohol 50ml

English description, see Romanian below

            Propolis it is a product of the beehive, a rich source of minerals, trace elements and essential oils

It acts on the upper respiratory and urinary tracts

Very good antioxidant and cicatrizing

It creates unfavorable conditions for the development of viruses, bacteria, fungi and intestinal parasites

The synergistic effects of the components help to reduce coughing, soothe an irritated throat, help to clear the airways

It favors the fluidization and expectoration of bronchial secretions

It supports the proper functioning of the respiratory system and the immune system and maintains normal bone density



  • Propolis hydroglyceric extract with a minimum of 12mg/ml
  • Polyphenols- 60%
  • Vegetable glycerin- 20%
  • Microbiologically filtered water - 20%


  • Children between 3 and 5 years old - 10 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals
  • Children between 6 and 14 years old - 20 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals
  • Young people over 15 years old - 30 drops 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals

The product can be administered as such or diluted in 100 ml of water.

The product is contraindicated for pregnant or breastfeeding women, children under one year, people with intolerance to bee products or any of the other ingredients of the product!

Romanian description

Propolis extract hidrogliceric fara alcool 50ml

            Propolisul este un produs al stupului, o bogatã sursã de minerale, oligoelemente si uleiuri esentiale

Actioneazã la nivelul tractului respirator superior si  al celui urinar

Foarte bun antioxidant si cicatrizant

Creaza conditii nefavorabile dezvoltarii virusurilor, bacteriilor, fungilor si parazitilor intestinali

Efectele sinergice ale componentelor ajuta la reducerea tusei, alinã gatul iritat, ajutã la eliberarea cãilor respiratorii

Favorizeazã fluidificarea si expectorarea secretiilor bronsice

Sustine buna functionare a sistemului respirator si a sistemului imunitar si mentine densitatea osoasa normala



  • Extract hidrogliceric de propolis cu minimum- 12mg/ml
  • Polifenoli- 60%
  • Glicerina vegetala- 20%
  • Apa filtrata microbiologic- 20%


  • Copii intre 3 si 5 ani- cate 10 picaturi de 3 ori pe zi cu 30 minute inainte de masa
  • Copii intre 6 so 14 ani- cate 20 picaturi de 3 ori pe zi cu 30 minute inainte de masa
  • Tinerii peste 15 ani- cate 30 de picaturi de 3 ori pe zi cu 30 minute inainte de masa

Produsul poate fi administrat ca atare sau diluat in 100 ml de apa.

Produsul este contraindicat femeilor insarcinate sau care alapteaza, copiilor sub un an, persoanelor cu intoleranta la produsele apicole sau la oricare dintre celelalte ingrediente ale produsului!

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