Alcohol stop 60cps

English description, see Romanian below

The Alcohol Stop product is specially created for people undergoing ethanol detoxification. The effects of the product, determined by the association of the four botanical species, are: antidepressant, sedative, vitaminizing. Recent studies have highlighted the ability of ginseng to increase the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase, responsible formetabolism of ethanol in the body

Pharmacological action:

  • ANTI
  • Sedative
  • fortified
  • It increases the activity of alcohol dehydrogenase

Composition of Alcohol Stop capsules:

  • Buckthorn fruit powder (Hippophae rhamnoides) – 100 mg
  • powder from Passion Flower (Passiflora incarnata) – 70 mg
  • powder from aerial parts of St. John's wort (Hypericum perforatum) – 70 mg
  • white Ginseng root powder (Panax ginseng) – 50 mg


Hangover: Fast Alcohol,  Hang Over Recovery spray
Dealcoholization cure: Bellflowers and Ginseng


1 cps x 3/day, before meals, for 1 month

This is a dietary supplement. Food supplements do not replace a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle. Add proper physical exercise and mental balance. Our product is obtained in accordance with ISO 22000, ISO 9001 and GMP quality standards.


Pro Nature

Mode of presentation

Bottle with 60 capsules


To store: away from heat, light and humidity, in a dry and cool place. Keep out of reach and sight of small children.


Up to 24 months, under the storage conditions mentioned above. See the date written on the packaging.

Romanian description

Alcool stop 60cps

Produsul Alcool Stop este creat special pentru persoanele care se afla in cura de dezintoxicare etanolica. Efectele produsului, determinate de asocierea celor patru specii botanice, sunt: antidepresiv, sedativ, vitaminizant. Studii recente au evidentiat capacitatea ginsengului de crestere a activitatii alcooldehidrogenazei, responsabila de metabolizarea etanolului in organism

Actiune farmacologica:

  • Antidepresiv
  • Sedativ
  • Vitaminizant
  • Creste activitatea alcooldehidrogenazei

Compozitie Alcool Stop capsule:

  • pulbere din fructe de Catina (Hippophae rhamnoides) – 100 mg
  • pulbere din flori de Floarea-pasiunii (Passiflora incarnata) – 70 mg
  • pulbere din parti aeriene de Sunatoare (Hypericum perforatum) – 70 mg
  • pulbere din radacini de Ginseng-alb (Panax ginseng) – 50 mg


Mahmureala: Post Alcool,  Hang Over Recovery spray
Cura de dezalcoolizare: Sunatoare si Ginseng


1cps x 3/zi, inainte de mese, timp de 1 luna

Acesta este un supliment alimentar. Suplimentele alimentare nu inlocuiesc o dieta variata si echilibrata si un mod de viata sanatos. Adaugati exercitiile fizice corespunzatoare si echilibru mental. Produsul nostru este obtinut in conformitate cu standardele de calitate ISO 22000, ISO 9001 si GMP.


Pro Natura

Mod de prezentare

Flacon cu 60 capsule


A se pastra: ferit de caldura, lumina si umiditate, intr-un loc uscat si racoros. A nu se lasa la indemana si vederea copiilor mici.


Pana la 24 luni, in conditiile de pastrare mentionate mai sus. Vezi data inscrisa pe ambalaj.

We always accept fair offers and answer messages on the same dayIf you can't find what you're looking for, please contact us and we will try to find it, as we are dealing with special orders regularly!