Phyto Enterol 5cp

English description, see Romanian below

  • The product ensures an optimal intake of substances necessary for the physiological structure and activity of the articular cartilages
  • It improves the symptoms of damage to the joints of the limbs and the spine
  • It presents positive effects in cases of mechanical overuse of the joints (demanding physical work, performance sports, obesity) and in joint recovery after injuries of the locomotor system
  • Stimulates collagen synthesis
  • Beneficial effect on the skin

Phyto Enterol Composition:

  • Guava 0.160g/pc
  • Blueberry extract 0.100g/pc
  • Fennel fruit powder (Foenicului fructus pulvis) 0.100g/pc
  • Mint leaf powder (Menthae folium pulvis) 0.100g/pc
  • Calcium carbonate powder 0.150g/pc
  • Stevia leaf powder (Steviae rebaudianae folium pulvis) 0.04g/cp
  • Vanilla powder 0.02g/pc
  • Lactobacilli 0.03g/cp
  • electuary

Phyto Enterol Administration:

1 cpx3/day on the first day, and on days 2 and 3 one tablet/day each.

Packaging, presentation: 5 tablets

Romanian description

Phyto Enterol 5cp

  • Produsul asigurã un aport optim al substanþelor necesare structurii fiziologice si activitãtii cartilajelor articulare
  • Amelioreazã simptomele afectãrii articulatiilor membrelor si coloanei vertebrale
  • Prezintã efecte pozitive in cazurile de suprasolicitare mecanicã a articulatiilor (muncã fizicã solicitantã, sport de performantã, obezitate) si in recuperarea articularã dupã traumatisme ale aparatului locomotor
  • Stimuleazã sinteza de colagen
  • Efect benefic la nivelul tegumentelor

Phyto Enterol Compozitie:

  • Guayaba 0,160g/cp
  • Extract de afin 0,100g/cp
  • Fenicul fruct pulbere (Foenicului fructus pulvis) 0,100g/cp
  • Menta frunza pulbere (Menthae folium pulvis) 0,100g/cp
  • Carbonat de calciu pulbere 0,150g/cp
  • Stevia frunza pulbere (Steviae rebaudianae folium pulvis) 0,04g/cp
  • Vanilie pulbere 0,02g/cp
  • Lactobacili 0,03g/cp
  • Excipienti

Phyto Enterol Administrare:

1 cpx3/zi in prima zi, iar in zilele 2 si 3 cate un comprimat/zi.

Ambalaj, prezentare: 5 comprimate

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