Steel Muscle 100hp

English description, see Romanian below

Pharmacological action:

  • The spray of trantor larvae contains a complex of natural substances: proteins, amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids, especially phospholipids, mineral salts and trace elements, vitamins, hormonal precursors that give it biostimulating properties on the general metabolism
  • The active principles of the ginkgo biloba leaf responsible for pharmacological action are: ginkgoflavoglucosides and lactonic terpenes (ginkgolides A,B,C and bilobalides)
  • Improves cerebral blood flow, stimulates neuronal compensation processes, the turnover of neurotransmitters, having a neurotonic effect
  • Improves basal energy metabolism by stimulating oxygen uptake and aerobic consumption of glucose
  • It favors the purification of dairy products
  • It has an antioxidant effect by trapping free radicals
  • Fenugreek seeds, with favorable effects on anabolic processes, determine a positive score of the anabolism/catabolism ratio
  • Lecithin contains phospholipids (basic constituents of cell membranes) with neurotonic action, stimulating neuronal metabolism
  • It has a beneficial effect on the brain by increasing intellectual performance
  • It stimulates the recovery of the body after intense physical efforts
  • Due to the rich content of vitamin C, poppies have a role in the biogenesis of the intercellular substance, they intervene favorably in the oxidation-reduction metabolic processes having an antioxidant effect, the carbohydrate, protein, lipid metabolism, they act as a substitute in states of ascorbic acid deficiency
  • At the vascular level, it acts as a capillary protective factor, by increasing capillary resistance
  • The atomized quail egg has a complex composition in active principles: proteins, mineral salts, vitamins, especially complex B, phosphorus, Fe 4 times more than a chicken egg
  • It positively influences the growth and development of the body, has positive effects on liver and kidney functions

- performance athletes in competitive, pre- and post-competitive periods, registering an increase in physical performance and adaptability to competitive stress
- other people who make intense physical and intellectual efforts

– Extr. atomized from quail egg 10mg/cp
– Ginkgo biloba 200mg/cp
– Cynosbati fructus extract (maces) 100mg/cp
- Lecithin from soy 5mg/cp
– Apilarnil 10mg/cp
– Trigonella semen extract (fenugreek) 20mg/cp
– Excipients

Bodybuilding:BioSuper Active Complex

1-2 capsules x 3/day, after meals.

Packaging, presentation: Bottle with 100 tablets

Romanian description

Steel Muscle 100cp

Actiune farmacologica:

  • Atomizatul de larve de trantor contine un complex de substante naturale: proteine, aminoacizi, glucide, lipide, in special fosfolipide, saruri minerale si oligoelemente, vitamine, precursori hormonali ce ii confera proprietati biostimulatoare asupra metabolismului general
  • Principiile active ale frunzei de ginkgo biloba responsabile de actiune farmacologica sunt: ginkgoflavoglucozidele si terpenele lactonice (ginkgolidele A,B,C si bilobalidele)
  • Imbunatateste fluxul sanguin cerebral, stimuleaza procesele de compensare neuronala, turnover-ul neuromediatorilor avand efect neurotonic
  • Amelioreaza metabolismul energetic bazal stimuland captarea oxigenului si consumul aerob al glucozei
  • Favorizeaza epurarea lactatilor
  • Are efect antioxidant prin captarea radicalilor liberi
  • Semintele de schinduf, cu efecte favorabile asupra proceselor anabolice, determina un scor pozitiv al raportului anabolism/catabolism
  • Lecitina contine fosfolipide (constituenti de baza ai membranelor celulare) cu actiune neurotonica, de stimulare a metabolismului neuronal
  • Are actiune benefica la nivel cerebral prin cresterea performantelor intelectuale
  • Stimuleaza refacerea organismului dupa eforturi fizice intense
  • Fructele de maces prin continutul bogat in vitamina C au rol in biogeneza substantei intercelulare, intervin favorabil in procesele metabolice de oxidoreducere avand efect antioxidant, metabolismul glucidic, protidic, lipidic, actioneaza substitutiv in starile de deficit de acid ascorbic
  • La nivel vascular actioneaza ca factor capilaroprotector, prin cresterea rezistentei capilare
  • Atomizatul din oua de prepelita are o compozitie complexa in principii active: proteine, saruri minerale, vitamine, mai ales complexB, fosfor, Fe de 4ori mai mult fata de oul de gaina
  • Inflenteaza in sens pozitiv cresterea si dezvoltarea organismului, are efecte pozitive asupra functiilor hepatica si renala

– sportivi de performanta aflati in perioade competitionale, pre-si postcompetitionale, inregistrandu-se cresterea performantelor fizice si adaptabilitatea la stresul competitional
– alte persoane care depun eforturi fizice si intelectuale intense

– Extr. atomizat din ou de prepelita 10mg/cp
– Ginkgo biloba 200mg/cp
– cynosbati fructus(maces)100mg/cp
– Lecitina din soia 5mg/cp
– Apilarnil 10mg/cp
– trigonella semen (schinduf) 20mg/cp
– Excipienti

Body Building: Complex BioSuper Activ

1-2cps x 3/zi, dupa mese.

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