Building Web Applications With .NET CORE and Javascript Frameworks : Leveraging Modern JavaScript Frameworks, Paperback by Japikse, Philip; Grossnicklaus, Kevin; Dewey, Ben, ISBN 1484253515, ISBN-13 9781484253519, Like New Used, Free shipping in the US

<p></p><p>Roll up your sleeves and jump into building web applications using .NET Core and the most popular JavaScript frameworks.<br></p><p>You will start by building a data access layer using Entity Framework Core, a RESTful service using Core, and then you will build a web application following the MVC pattern, also using Core. The resulting application is an example e-commerce site using the most appropriate capabilities in .NET Core for building a line of business applications.</p><p>The second half of&nbsp;<i><b>Building Web Applications with .NET Core and JavaScript</b><b>&nbsp;</b></i>is dedicated to teaching you how to develop applications on the client with JavaScript, BootStrap, and related tooling such as TypeScript, WebPack, NPM, and more. Each JavaScript framework will build the same UI as the Core web application from the first half of th, leveraging the same Core RESTful service and Entity Framework Core data access layer. Building the same UI in the different JavaScript frameworks provides the context and knowledge to reasonably compare and contrast the tools.</p><p> </p><p><b><br></b></p><p><b>What You Will Learn</b><br></p><p></p><ul><li>Ramp up quickly on Entity Framework Core and Core<br></li><li>Use TypeScript to deliver better JavaScript<br></li><li>Manage your JavaScript build process<br></li><li>Know how to build UIs with Core MVC, Angular, and React to make better decisions on which technologies to adopt in your projects</li><li>Conduct an apples-to-apples comparison of Core, Angular, and React<br></li></ul><p></p><p></p><p><br></p><p><b>Who This Book Is For</b></p><p>.NET architects, consultants, and developers who want to modernize their skill set. Some understanding of JavaScript and the Web is useful.&nbsp; </p><br><br><p></p>