Japanese quail egg x 90 capsules

English description, see Romanian below

Bronchial, allergic asthma, rickets, iron deficiency anemia, hypovitaminosis B, convalescent states, general and sexual asthenia.

Pharmacological action:

  • Japanese quail eggs have a complex composition in active principles: proteins, mineral salts, vitamins, especially complex B; P, Fe 4 times more than a chicken egg.
  • It positively influences the child's growth and development; have positive effects on liver and kidney functions; favors digestion.
  • Recent studies have highlighted the existence of IgM and IgE immunoglobulins in the composition of the Japanese quail egg, which explains the beneficial action of treatment with Japanese quail eggs in both allergic and non-allergic asthma.
  • Also, the lack of cholesterol intake when administering quail eggs means that the product can also be administered to people with high cholesterol.

– Recalcifying in rickets,
– Iron deficiency anemia,
– Hypovitaminosis B,
- Adjuvant in the treatment of bronchial asthma.

Atomized Japanese quail egg 0.070g/caps.

Vitaminizer:Sea buckthorn
Stimulator of Hematopoiesis:Organic Iron Syrup

Children:– 1 cps x 3/day in courses of 3 months
Grown ups:– 2cps x 3/day, in 3-month courses

Or, according to Traditional Oriental Medicine, the following administration scheme is recommended:
- Children aged between 4 and 8 years: - 120 eggs/31 days;
- Children aged between 8-10 years: - 240 eggs/60 days.

The administration starts with 3 eggs/day, then 4 eggs/day for the rest of the period

In adults, there are two types of treatment:
– 120 eggs/25 days; 3 eggs the first day, 3 eggs the second day, 4 eggs the third day, 5 eggs/day the rest of the period;
– 240 eggs/40 days: 3 eggs the first day, 3 eggs the second day, 4 eggs the third day, 5 eggs the rest of the period (1 egg=2 cps).

Packaging, presentation: Blister box of 90 capsules

Romanian description

Ou de prepelita japoneza x 90 capsule

Astm bronsic, alergic, rahitism, anemie feripriva, hipovitaminoza B, stari de convalescenta, astenie generala si sexuala.

Actiune farmacologica:

  • Ouale de prepelita japoneza au o compozitie complexa in principii active: proteine, saruri minerale, vitamine, mai ales complex B; P, Fe de 4 ori mai mult fata de oul de gaina.
  • Influenteaza in sens pozitiv cresterea si dezvoltarea copilului; au efecte pozitive asupra functiilor hepatica si renala; favorizeaza digestia.
  • Studii recente au pus in evidenta existenta in compozitia oului de prepelita japoneza a imunoglobulinelor IgM si IgE ceea ce explica actiunea benefica a tratamentului cu oua de prepelita japoneza in astmul atat alergic cat si a celui non alergic.
  • De asemenea lipsa aportului de colesterol la administrarea oului de prepelita face ca produsul sa poata fi administrat si persoanelor care au colesterolul marit.

– Recalcificant in rahitism,
– Anemia feripriva,
– Hipovitaminoza B,
– Adjuvant in tratamentul astmului bronsic.

Atomizat de ou de prepelita japoneza 0.070g/caps.

Recalcifiant: CaMgZn
Vitaminizant: Catina
Stimulator al Hematopoiezei: Sirop Fier Biologic
Bronchodilatator: Bronchofort

Copii: – 1cps x 3/zi in cure de 3 luni
Adulti: – 2cps x 3/zi, in cure de 3 luni

Sau, conform Medicinei Traditionale Orientale, se recomanda urmatoarea schema de administrare:
– Copii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 4 si 8 ani: – 120 oua/31 zile;
– Copii cu varsta cuprinsa intre 8-10 ani: – 240 oua/60 zile.

Administrarea incepe cu 3 oua/zi, apoi 4 oua/zi tot restul perioadei

La adulti exista doua tipuri de cura:
– 120 de oua/25 zile; 3 oua prima zi, 3 oua ziua a II-a, 4 oua ziua a III-a, 5 oua/zi tot restul perioadei;
– 240 oua/40 zile: 3 oua prima zi, 3 oua ziua a II-a, 4 oua ziua a III-a, 5 oua tot restul perioadei ( 1 ou=2 cps ).

Ambalaj, prezentare: Cutie cu blistere a 90 capsule

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