These CDs will play in any CD/DVD player at home or in your car.

The Proposal

Anton Chekhov 
(1860 - 1904)

Translated by Julius West 
(1891 - 1918)

The Proposal is a one act comic farce by Anton Chekhov. In Chekhov's Russia, marriage was a means of economic stability for most people. They married to gain wealth and possessions. In this play, the concept of marriage is being satirized to show the real purpose of marriage - materialistic gain rather than true love. (Summary with reference to Wikipedia)

Stepan Stepanovich Chubukov - read by John Eddings
Natalya Stepanovna - read by Ruth Golding
Ivan Vassilevitch Lomov - read by Simon Larois
Stage directions - read by Philippa

Run Time 0:31:47 in 1 Audio CD

Section ---- Chapter --- Run Time
01 --- The Proposal --- 00:31:47

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.