Here is a VERY RARE Reproduction of only 8 pages from 1958 Pittsburgh Bicentennial by George Swetnam [the original book is very rare and expensive] regarding  a chapter entitled "Witness for Jehovah" some 8 pages of history not found in most other books dealing with Pastor C.T. Russell, his early years in Pittsburgh and the beginnings of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society as well as Jehovah's Witnesses. The book mentions how Russell's influence was greater than any other man coming out of that city except perhaps Andrew Carnigie. It is very well written and favorable and unbiased towards the Bible Students known as Jehovah's Witnesses. This book is mentioned in the 12/8/1984 AWAKE! pg 6 :
 The Advent of Phonographs and Movies
In 1887 Thomas Edison invented the first motor-driven phonograph playing cylindrical wax records. In that same year Emile Berliner went one better by using a flat disc and a horizontally moving needle. Thus was born the phonograph, or record player. Parallel to this there were great strides in the making of motion pictures. In 1896 the United States witnessed its first public screening of a silent movie.
Just 16 years later the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society made use of these two inventions to give more impetus to the preaching of the Kingdom message. In 1912 work was started on an ambitious pioneering project. The publication Where Else but Pittsburgh! said of it: “The first epic motion picture. It was called ‘The Photo-Drama of Creation,’ and although it appeared 15 years before other sound pictures were produced, it offered a combination of motion and still pictures synchronized with a recorded lecture. It was in four parts, running a total of eight hours, and was viewed by some 8,000,000 people.” It served to give a tremendous witness from 1914 onward.

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"This means everlasting life their coming to know you, the only true God, and of the one whom you sent, Jesus Christ" John 17:3

"And this good news of the Kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come" Matt. 24:14. {New World Translation 2013 Edition}.