Our first fabric collection with the lovely Jennie Maizels! Jennie is a talented illustrator known for both her pop-up books and her fabulous Sketchbook Club. ‘Pop-up London’ is one of her bestselling books and is sold in major galleries and gift shops across the country. ‘The Great Grammar Book’ was a Times Best Seller and ‘Pop-up New York’ won the School Library Association Award. Jennie’s Sketchbook Club is an online community providing people with painting and drawing projects. The Lewis & Irene design team have been lucky enough to join some of Jennie’s classes in person and absolutely loved spending time in her studio. With a lifetime obsession with colour, specifically rainbows, they feature heavily in Jennie’s work and home.

Listing price is for 1x Fat Quarter.

Enter into quantity box:

1 x unit for L 50cm x W 55cm* (Fat Quarter)
2 x units for L 50cm x W 110cm* (1/2 metre)
3 x units for L 75cm x W 110cm* (3/4 metre)
4 x units for L 100cm x W 110cm* (1 metre)
And so on for further quantities.

All quantities will be cut in a continuous length.