Arabian Jasmine Live Plant Fragrant Sambac Jasmine Single White Flower New Cuttings

Arabian Jasmine is a fast growing evergreen climbing shrub with its fragrant flowers. The shiny dark green oval leaves make a lovely contrast to the highly fragrant white flowers that turn pink with age. These beautiful fragrant flowers appear throughout the summer and may continue to bloom year round in warm climates. Arabian jasmine can be trained as a supporting flowering vine or maintained as a spreading shrub. It also does very well in containers and makes an eye catching plant for patios and porches.

Healthy Arabian jasmine plants need full or partial sun. At least 6 to 8 hours of sunlight per day is ideal. If kept indoors during the winter  be sure to place this plant in a very sunny window.

The soil
Loose  loamy  humus soil is preferred by this flowering shrub. It likes an evenly moist  well drained soil medium. Adding compost helps loosen  enrich and moisten the soil.

In the water
Arabian Jasmine needs plenty of water especially during the summer season. Water this plant regularly to keep the soil moist  even if it is not wet. Water thoroughly when the first few inches of soil feel dry to the touch. This may be once a week or more depending on your location. It is best to reduce watering this plant in winter.

Temperature and humidity
Arabian jasmine grows in warm  tropical climates in USDA hardiness zones 9 through 11. They are very sensitive to frost and cannot withstand cold temperatures. 1 Because they are tropical plants Arabian jasmines require moderate to high humidity levels.

Fertilizing Arabian jasmine throughout its growing season will help it bloom profusely. It is best to use a high quality  well balanced fertilizer. Start fertilizing after pruning in late winter or early spring.

Arabian jasmine doesn t need extensive pruning  but proper pruning will make beautiful Arabian jasmine bloom year round  so prune the plant to maintain its desired shape. In climates where this plant stops flowering in winter  cut off all dead branches and flowers above their nodes in early winter. This will ensure new growth for the next growing season.

Arabian jasmine is best propagated by cuttings.
Using a clean garden saw  cut a stem about 6 inches long. Cut directly under a leaf. Remove the leaves from the lower half of the cuttings. Dip the cut end into rooting hormone. Using a stick  make a hole in the moist soil. Gently insert the cutter into the hole. Avoid pressing too hard on the dirt as this can damage the cut. Place a plastic bag over the cutting to retain moisture. Lift the bag every 10 days or so to circulate the air. Roots should form in about 6 weeks. When new growth appears  remove the bag and move to an area with bright  indirect light. When it is established  slowly move to a sunny location.

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