Introducing MACPHERSON'S PET K-9 Biscuit Kit, a must-have for all dog lovers out there! This amazing kit comes with 3 cookie cutters and a 140 treat recipe book that is perfect for making homemade treats for your furry buddy. The recipe book includes various grain-free, high protein, freeze-dried, organic, vegetarian, gluten-free, frozen, and low-fat treats that are suitable for dogs of any size and breed. Plus, these treats are made with real chicken, ensuring that your dog gets the nutrition they need.

This kit is perfect for dog owners who want to make their own healthy treats for their fur babies. Not only is it a fun activity for pet owners and their dogs, but it also allows them to control the ingredients that go into their dog's treats. So, get your hands on MACPHERSON'S PET K-9 Biscuit Kit and make some delicious treats for your furry friend today!

ISBN 0-9682885-0-2