High Quality Mixed Halibut Pellets perfect for Spod mixes, PVA Bag Mix and PVA Mesh Mixes or even to use with a catapult. Due to the mixed sizes of pellets and their high oil content, they will break down at different rates releasing their oils and salty mixed fish flavour into the water columns. To prolong their breakdown allowing them to work longer in your swim, add a drizzle of our Mixed Fish Oil. This creates a barrier around the pellet and prevents the water getting to the body of the pellet, slowing the breakdown time.
All pellet comes mixed in a sealed bag ready to use.
  • 3mm, 4mm mixed Halibut Pellets are ideal for use with PVA bags & PVA mesh also they are great for spodding out over your baited spot to create a carpet of pellet on the lake bed. This mix is also great for mixing in with method mixes.
  • 4mm, 6mm, 10mm mixed Halibut Pellets are great for spodding over your baited area and will create an oily feeding spot that the Carp will find irresistible. 

PLEASE NOTE: The postal prices are for MAINLAND UK ONLY, for the Highlands of Scotland and other Isles please ask for postal price

Free Delivery Excludes: Channel Islands, Isle of Man, Isle of Wight, Jersey, Guernsey,  Northern Ireland, Scilly Isles, Scottish Highlands, Scottish Islands, Ireland