Walking the Somme - 9781848844735 NEW COPY 70/9E

This new edition of Paul Reed's classic book Walking the Somme is an essential travelling companion for anyone visiting the Somme battlefields of 1916. His book, first published over ten years ago, is the result of a lifetime's research into the battle and the landscape over which it was fought. From Gommecourt, Serre, Beaumont-Hamel and Thiepval to Montabaun, High Wood, Delville Wood and Flers, he guides the walker across the major sites associated with the fighting. These are now features of the peaceful Somme countryside. In total there are 16 walks, including a new one tracing the operations around Mametz Wood, and all the original walks have been fully revised and brought up to date. Walking the Somme brings the visitor not only to the places where the armies clashed but to the landscape of monuments, cemeteries and villages that make the Somme battlefield so moving to explore. AUTHOR: Paul Reed is a leading military historian, specializing in the two world wars. He has been visiting European battlefields for more than thirty years, and lived on the Somme for over a decade. He has worked as a researcher and battlefield guide, and is the author of several books on the Great War. Is latest book is Great War Lives. He also regularly contributes to television programmes, such as Timewatch, Meet the Ancestors and Who Do You Think You Are? And was historical consultant to BBC1's My Family at War. SELLING POINTS: . Fully revised second edition of Paul Reed's classic walker's guide to the Somme battlefields . Corrected, updated, enlarged, with new maps and colour illustrations . Features a new walk around the battleground of Mametz Wood . Tours of the most famous sites: Gommecourt, Serre, Beaumont-Hamel, Thiepval, Montauban, High Wood, Delville Wood, Flers . Includes information on the monuments, cemeteries and villages . Insight into the terrain, the tactics, the ordeal of the troops ILLUSTRATIONS: Over 100 colour & b/w illustrations *