Princess Diana A Life In Fashion Herald Sun Collectors Edition 1997 VHS. Diana, Princess of Wales, was the most revered fashion icon of her age, transforming herself from a naive young girl in frills to a sophisticated beauty whose style and presence influenced the world over.

 Diana - A life in fashion, is a unique video tribute brought to you by the Sunday Herald Sun which takes you from the earliest years when she first came into the public eye right through to the days just before her tragic death. 

You see Diana in her favourite outfits, including the stunning Catherine Walker Downs she adored. 

Using rare and never before seen footage, this video shows how what she wore reflected the changes in her life and reveals how she used her fashion sense to tell the world just what she was feeling. 

Using interviews with many of Diana‘s favourite designers including Victor Edelstein and Jacques Azagury, this video of Diana - A life in fashion, is a unique keepsake for you to treasure.

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Diana A Celebration 1961 1997 VHS Video BBC Princess Lady Royals England Tragedy From her first television appearances ass a shy nineteen year old, Diana Spencer captured the hearts of millions. 

During the years following her engagement and subsequent marriage to Charles, Diana was to blossom into the most often photographed woman in the world.

Her unfailing work for charity, her compassion, and above all, her warmth and love for those close to her, particularly her beloved sons William and Harry, made a profound impression on everyone she met.

Her particular affinity to children, the sick and the needy, and, most recently, her fervent opposition to the use of land mines, ensured that Diana was able to make a difference. 

A woman of great personal courage and commitment, Diana, Princess of Wales will undoubtedly go down in history as The People's Princess

This commemorative video features the important moments from Princess Diana's life capturing her compassion and warmth and showing why she has become known as the people's Princess, also including extracts of the funeral ceremony.

Diana Her True Story VHS 1993 Princess Diana Frances Spencer Lady Diana
Diana Her True Story
The tragic story which stunned the world and rocked the British Monarchy is dramatically recreated in this the first full length feature film of Diana's life.

Based on Andrew Morton's controversial worldwide bestseller, Diana Her True Story is an intimate and heartrending account of the breakdown of the fairytale marriage between Princess Diana and Charles.

The royal story of the century portrays Diana's battle with bulimia, her desperate suicide attempts and her suspicions about Charles' relationship with another woman. 

Diana An Extraordinary Life The Children's Princess VHS BBC Royal Lady Di
Diana and a child, her own, or anyone else's, were a natural pairing. 

Even when she was only a child herself, she loved the little ones. 

Later on, Diana revealed a talent not granted to many adults, the ability to talk to children around the world in the way they most appreciated and best understood.

When Diana gave birth to Prince William, her father, the 8th Earl Spencer, remarked what a lucky boy he was to have a mother like her. 

But it went beyond William and Harry, who followed two years later in 1984.

The children of the world were lucky to have Diana as their friend, whether championing the causes of the disadvantaged or sick through her exhaustive charity work, or simply breaking rank during an official walkabout in order to greet them in her special, affectionate way.

Diana An extraordinary life Touring in Europe
Charles and Diana's tours in Europe were high profile occasions, eagerly anticipated, thrillingly enjoyed and afterwards warmly remembered.