JACKALL Counterback Big Spoon 120mm/38g  JACKALL COUNTER BACK 4.7 in 1.3 oz big


To catch fish that can only be killed by big spoons! 

The big spoon [Counterback] is packed with the "essentials" that Kyoya Fujita needs!

The asymmetrical body produces an ideal back-slide action! 

The most distinctive feature is the back slide fall without "fluttering"!

The balance between the asymmetrical body and the thickness of the blades, which was arrived at through numerous tests, produces a backslide fall at an exquisite speed even when the line is slack.

The ideal back slide fall is one of the factors that produce the ideal back slide fall, and after repeated testing, we have arrived at the ideal thickness.

In order to create the effect of fish fleeing toward the bottom, we designed a face on the side where the hook is attached, which is unusual for a big spoon.

A swivel eye is used to prevent the thread from swaying and to reduce the risk of being caught during a fight.

It also serves as a bite marker to ensure that valuable bites are hooked up.