Sick of using catit branded filters? Me too! They cost far too much for what they are. Buying the cheaper unbranded ones on ebay cost me £7.99 for twelve, whereas the branded ones are £13.50 for five!!

I've designed and made this for my cat, and would like to offer them to other people too to pass on the savings! With this initial investment you can look at saving money in the long run. This is designed and made by myself, so you won't find it anywhere else!

The official catit filters work out at £2.70 each when buying 5, and the unbranded filters work out at 66p each when buying twelve! A saving of 75%!

The unbranded filters are roughly 13cm in diameter.

The colour provided will be random, as it's not something you see unless you are cleaning it. When cleaning, please only use lukewarm soapy water with a detergent (e.g washing up liquid)