MONTURIOL'S DREAM The Submarine Inventor Who Wanted To Save The World 

Matthew Stewart

Author: Matthew Stewart Illustrations: B&W Plates ISBN: 1-86197-401-9

Category: Biography Format: Paperback Publication Date: 2003

Size: 20cm x 13cm Publisher: Profile Books Country of origin: UK

Pages: 404 Weight: 360g


MONTURIOL'S DREAM The Submarine Inventor Who Wanted To Save The World 

Matthew Stewart

In 1864 in Barcelona harbour, Narcis Monturiol launched the Ictineo 11 (from 'fish boat' in ancient Greek) the worlds first true submarine, It was over 17 metres long, displaced 72 tonnes and worked at depths of up to 30 metres. But Monturiols ambitions went far beyond this pioneering contribution to the art of underwater navigation. He wanted to save the world. Monturiols underwater exploits were to Barcelona what the lunar landings were to the world in the 20th century. Sadly the great submariner died in obscurity and his technical legacy is not the underwater cities of his dreams, but the military vessels we know today. However, the ideals for which he stood remain alive. Monturiol deserves his place in history not just as one of the great Catalan figures of the 19th century but in the words of an early commentator, as one of the most noble and glorious representatives of humanity. Monturiols Dream is about much more than a submarine. It is one of the great untold stories of scientific and cultural history.


Good order, pages clean and unmarked, covers have light wear