Vivid Bougainvillea Old Pink Bougainvillea Starter Vivid Rare New Natural Cuttings

Bougainvillea is a vibrant  blooming vine that climbs the trellises of beach resorts and desert retreats from San Diego to Miami. If you want a hardy  drought tolerant tropical with oceans of color bougainvillea is your plant.Bougainvillea is tough as nails fast growing and puts on a spectacular show of color all year round. These vines are flowering machines that can be climbed up a wall spread as ground cover on hillsides  or pruned and grown in containers.

Bougainvillea needs plenty of sunlight. Some varieties can tolerate partial sun  but do not perform as well as they do in full sun. In less than full sun the plants are sparser and have a less spectacular floral display  if any. Conversely  keeping your bougainvillea in full sun will keep your plant blooming.

Soil and Water
If you plant bougainvillea in the ground  make sure you have well drained soil  They don't like to stay wet for long. This plant likes to dry out  so water deeply every three to four weeks  not more often. If you haven t had significant blooms recently  try giving your plant a drought period by withholding water. This can sometimes put your plants into a dormant period and trigger flowering. If you are using bougainvillea as an indoor houseplant  plant them in moist  well drained potting soil and keep the plants mostly dry during the winter.

Temperature and Humidity
In the garden  this plant does best when temperatures are at least 60°F  and it can withstand temperatures as high as 95°F. It grows in dry conditions. When Bougainvillea is grown as a houseplant  it likes a high humidity of about 50 percent during the flowering period and low humidity during the winter.

Bougainvillea is a heavy feeder. Fertilize monthly during the plant s active growing season. Add a granular fertilizer to the soil and water well.

If your plants get out of hand  it s best to prune and maintain them in the fall before a new growth cycle. You can periodically cut the stems of ferns as needed throughout the year.

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