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Songs of Love and Life

Zora Cross
 (1890 - 1964)

Songs of Love and Life by Zora Cross was a phenomenon in the author's native Australia in 1917. The original privately published edition quickly sold out, and an expanded edition was produced a month later. Its erotic content, a rejection of old Victorian values, along with anti-war and feminist themes, catapulted the then 27-year-old Cross to the forefront of Australian poets. She was lauded and praised, but slowly fell into disfavor. Here we present the expanded version of her book, with the addition of four poems dropped from the privately printed edition, which appear at the end of the recording.

Read by Multiple Readers

Run Time 2 Hours 41 Minutes in 3 Audio CDs

Section ---Chapter---Run Time
1 001 - Sonnet I - 01:00
2 002 - Sonnet II - 01:05
3 003 - Sonnet III - 01:12
4 004 - Sonnet IV - 01:02
5 005 - Sonnet V - 01:08
6 006 - Sonnet VI - 01:02
7 007 - Sonnet VII - 01:01
8 008 - Sonnet VIII - 01:03
9 009 - Sonnet IX - 00:57
10 010 - Sonnet X - 01:04
11 011 - Sonnet XI - 01:01
12 012 - Sonnet XII - 01:01
13 013 - Sonnet XIII - 01:08
14 014 - Sonnet XIV - 00:59
15 015 - Sonnet XV - 01:14
16 016 - Sonnet XVI - 01:03
17 017 - Sonnet XVII - 01:04
18 018 - Sonnet XVIII - 00:59
19 019 - Sonnet XIX - 01:03
20 020 - Sonnet XX - 01:04
21 021 - Sonnet XXI - 01:01
22 022 - Sonnet XXII - 01:01
23 023 - Sonnet XXIII - 01:01
24 024 - Sonnet XXIV - 01:02
25 025 - Sonnet XXV - 01:00
26 026 - Sonnet XXVI - 01:09
27 027 - Sonnet XXVII - 01:07
28 028 - Sonnet XXVIII - 01:01
29 029 - Sonnet XXIX - 01:05
30 030 - Sonnet XXX - 01:05
31 031 - Sonnet XXXI - 01:00
32 032 - Sonnet XXXII - 00:59
33 033 - Sonnet XXXIII - 01:03
34 034 - Sonnet XXXIV - 01:02
35 035 - Sonnet XXXV - 01:05
36 036 - Sonnet XXXVI - 01:13
37 037 - Sonnet XXXVII - 01:10
38 038 - Sonnet XXXVIII - 01:01
39 039 - Sonnet XXXIX - 01:01
40 040 - Sonnet XL - 01:01
41 041 - Sonnet XLI - 01:13
42 042 - Sonnet XLII - 00:57
43 043 - Sonnet XLIII - 01:08
44 044 - Sonnet XLIV - 00:57
45 045 - Sonnet XLV - 00:58
46 046 - Sonnet XLVI - 00:59
47 047 - Sonnet XLVII - 01:02
48 048 - Sonnet XLVIII - 01:16
49 049 - Sonnet XLIX - 01:01
50 050 - Sonnet L - 00:59
51 051 - Sonnet LI - 01:02
52 052 - Sonnet LII - 00:57
53 053 - Sonnet LIII - 01:08
54 054 - Sonnet LIV - 01:00
55 055 - Sonnet LV - 01:11
56 056 - Sonnet LVI - 01:01
57 057 - Sonnet LVII - 01:03
58 058 - Sonnet LVIII - 00:56
59 059 - Sonnet LIX - 01:13
60 060 - Sonnet LX - 01:01
61 061 - The Vision Of Jehovah - 08:38
62 062 - The New Moon - 01:01
63 063 - The Poppy - 01:09
64 064 - Books - 01:31
65 065 - When I Was Six - 01:35
66 066 - My Muse - 01:14
67 067 - Seascape - 00:59
68 068 - The Perfect Rhyme - 00:55
69 069 - Memory - 01:26
70 070 - The Fairies' Fair - 01:52
71 071 - Pain - 04:33
72 072 - April-Laughter - 01:40
73 073 - The Poets Garden - 01:12
74 074 - The Rainbow - 01:27
75 075 - Fortune - 01:24
76 076 - Holiday Humour - 01:03
77 077 - To A Favourite Poet - 01:16
78 078 - In A Garden - 01:52
79 079 - Girl Gladness - 01:16
80 080 - If I Were A Poet - 00:43
81 081 - Grief - 01:40
82 082 - Thou Shall Not - 00:45
83 083 - The Open Air - 03:04
84 084 - The Birthday Of The Dead - 01:02
85 085 - Only Sir Galahad - 03:19
86 086 - The Triumph Of Eve - 07:41
87 087 - Outside The Gate - 01:35
88 088 - Sonnets Of The South I - 01:11
89 089 - Sonnets Of The South II - 01:07
90 090 - Sonnets Of The South III - 01:08
91 091 - Sonnets Of The South IV - 01:15
92 092 - Sonnets Of The South V - 01:13
93 093 - Sonnets Of The South VI - 01:13
94 094 - The Ragnarok Of Regeneration - 09:17
95 095 - Wedded - 01:51
96 096 - The Bridal Ode - 02:02
97 097 - Night-Ride - 01:37
98 098 - No Woman's Land - 01:00
99 099 - Spring - 02:03
100 100 - The Babies's Bay - 01:42
101 101 - Gods At Gallipoli - 05:34
102 102 - Sonnet X (Exp.Version) - 01:05
103 103 - Sonnett XIV(Exp. Version) - 01:07
104 104 - The Sisters of Sorrow - 02:56
105 105 - Poor Fools! - 05:25

Public domain books

A public-domain book is a book with no copyright, a book that was created without a license, or a book where its copyrights expired or have been forfeited.

In most countries the of copyright expires on the first day of January, 70 years after the death of the latest living author. The longest copyright term is in Mexico, which has life plus 100 years for all deaths since July 1928.

A notable exception is the United States, where every book and tale published before 1926 is in the public domain; American copyrights last for 95 years for books originally published between 1925 and 1978 if the copyright was properly registered and maintained.